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NET42 t1_j3xe3ta wrote

Caramel deLites


IlikeJewelTones t1_j3xgaz0 wrote

Samoas. I know they have a different name now, but I don't know what it is. I also love Thin Mints.


longislandtoolshed t1_j3xkbxy wrote

I tried the French toast sandwich ones for the first time last year, and I'm a convert


buddhamanjpb t1_j3xn0aw wrote

Why are Samosas or Caramel Delights as they are called now not on this list? Shame!


Beebeeleen t1_j3xqq01 wrote

The ones with coconut and chocolate. Yeah those then anything with mint.


The_Dream_of_Shadows t1_j3xrvww wrote

I agree with everyone that the Caramel deLights are incredible, but I think their one flaw is that they can get very overpowering quickly. Thin Mints, on the other hand, are very light. You could inhale an entire sleeve of those without getting grossed out.

Not that you should do that, of course...and not that I have...🙃