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thetaoofroth t1_j3t0bcu wrote

I saw the brightest shooting star of my life that same time, around 530? Falling into Rhode island sound. Bits and pieces flew off of it but it was quite large but didn't explode. Lost it behind the trees. Not the same description but I thought your post was quite coincidental.


mdurg68 t1_j3ua7u4 wrote

I may have seen that too! I was driving home pretty much same time and saw it out my left window. I thought maybe it was a reflection the glass from a streetlight, but could none of the other street lights I passed did the same thing.


FoleyisGood t1_j3w0whb wrote

> around 530?

That is when I saw it in East Providence. Super bright then burnt out.


mdurg68 t1_j3w45jd wrote

I made a mental note of 5:26 so I could ask here. Which I forgot until I saw this.


thetaoofroth t1_j3wbuvy wrote

It was big, sse skies, it went down in the ocean. If that hit land it would ruin someone's day for sure.


mdurg68 t1_j3wyjkb wrote

Pretty sure I can confirm direction. I was looking in that direction and it was moving away. By looking I mean quick glance and it happened in a split second. It was quite bright compared to others I’ve seen.