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possiblecoin OP t1_j5vrau2 wrote

Reply to comment by BingBong022 in RI Driving Test by possiblecoin

When was the last time you parallel parked? I go into Providence fairly regularly and I don't think I have ever had to parallel park. Maybe on the East Sid on rare occasions, but not frequently.

At any rate, I'm not anti parallel parking, I just think it plays an outside role in getting your license when there are far more important skills.


BingBong022 t1_j5vrm0l wrote

I literally parallel park 2-5 times a day every


BingBong022 t1_j5vri9z wrote

What are you talking about? I parallel park in downtown every day.


hurricanetruther t1_j5wvxot wrote

Not sure why you're being downvoted. I live in Providence, never parallel park. The city's such that if you don't want to parallel park then you can simply route plan better and park down a side street and walk an extra 30 seconds.

Sure, if you don't want to risk burning more calories than you have to, and so insist on parking directly in front of wherever you're going, yeah, you'll probably have to do it.


fluoridatedwater t1_j5ylw8q wrote

Depending on where you are in Providence. I live in Providence and there is only parallel parking near my apartment.