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Status_Silver_5114 t1_j5r6pha wrote

Get an inspection and talk to your realtor but also seller disclosures I don’t think are a requirement in RI? Like the five page check this off kind of disclosure?


Separate_Safe2779 OP t1_j5r7qvw wrote

Yep, exactly.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j5t5rfw wrote

And also checking unknown is also v common everywhere in NE esp around lead. I mean if they do actually know something and don’t disclose it’s on you the buyer to do you own research but “unknown” is a legitimate answer. Folks don’t look on purpose for some stuff. And realtors are obligated to disclose if their seller does tell them something as well. Is this a FSBO?


gblaz1 t1_j5t7hu3 wrote

Disclosures from the seller are absolutely required by RI law (RIGL 5-20.8-2).


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j5t8em0 wrote

But use of that particular FORM (the several pages of checklist) is not. Disclosures go in MLs like they go anywhere (not just RI). And saying “unknown” is an answer to a disclosure. A seller not having that form when it’s on market is not unusual. That’s my point. Only some sellers (or agents who require their sellers) both in RI and MA as well use that kind of form. Lots of times it’s just disclosed in the disclosure box on the mls listing or in the PS amendments once they agree. But if it’s a fsbo I’d be even more wary - or a flipper acting as the agent.