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Proof-Variation7005 t1_j2b2z05 wrote

>Everyone in my household was at least two-shot vaccinated. My brother also had the booster.
>He gave covid-19 to everyone else in the household, while fully vaccinated and boosted. Everyone in the household was boosted besides myself. Yet those family members with the booster got the same COVID-19 that I did.
>Vaccines and/or boosters didn't prevent a single person in my household from testing positive.

I get the sense you haven't been told this enough in life, but you and your entire family don't matter. It's irrelevant anecdotal evidence that means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.

In a single household, it means even less once one person is infected. Everyone is being exposed far more at home unless you've all got the ability to isolate 24/7, have good ventilation, 100% mask wearing 100% of the time.

People die in car accidents with seatbelts and airbags. That doesn't mean seatbelts and airbags don't prevent death, or even injury. It just means that nothing is 100% and nobody with any sense should expect it to be that way.

People who get vaccinated can still get sick. Some can even get seriously ill. Others can even die. That doesn't mean it doesn't work, on some level, for the majority of vaccinated people. This is the same as every vaccine in human history. The wider the participation, the better it works because there's less people getting infected, shorter and milder illnesses that tend to lower the R0 number of the disease (how many people each infected person will infect), and those infections tend to be milder so we don't collapse the healthcare system by overrunning hospitals.

This thing works better if everyone does the bare minimum of just keeping up with their shots, so my patience for those who refuse to do that or those who excuse others for doing that, is at an all-time low.


>don't even understand how the vaccine works, and spew misinformation about it while promoting its supposed efficacy.

You've repeatedly demonstrated you do not understand at all how this shit works.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2b3m3p wrote

>I get the sense you haven't been told this enough in life, but you and your entire family don't matter. It's irrelevant anecdotal evidence that means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.

The vaccine meant nothing in my household. We all caught covid from a fully vaccinated and boosted family member.

>In a single household, it means even less once one person is infected. Everyone is being exposed far more at home unless you've all got the ability to isolate 24/7, have good ventilation, 100% mask wearing 100% of the time.

I thought it was supposed to stop the spread? That wasn't my experience. We all had covid while fully vaccinated.


It doesn't matter how low your patience is, because the vaccine doesn't stop the spread. It should not be mandated. The person I initially replied to said people should be pinned down and "made" to take the vaccine. Joe Biden had it right before the election when he initially campaigned on NO vaccine mandate.

#Omicron: 3 vaccine doses are not enough to stop the new COVID variant, warns BioNTech CEO

#Covid is no longer mainly a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Here’s why.

For the first time, a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.

Fifty-eight percent of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated or boosted, according to an analysis conducted for The Health 202 by Cynthia Cox, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation.


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2b8ccc wrote

If you think vaccines exist to 100% stop the spread of diseases, you are profoundly misinformed.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2bbqjt wrote

The covid vaccine was promoted by Joe Biden as 100% stopping the spread. Yet he caught covid 19 while fully vaccinated. It's almost like politicians shouldn't be mandating the vaccine.

Also, China tried your preferred method of stripping peoples human rights to fight covid, and it didn't work. Just open a newspaper.


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2beh69 wrote

Is your only anti-vax talking point related to what Joe Biden said once? What the fuck? Is that because you can't possibly argue the science? You obviously can't argue the math.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2bhqi0 wrote

The thing Biden said was a pro-vax talking point. It just so happened to be a lie. Not sure how you can't grasp that.

Idk why you are so passionate about big pharma. Do you own stock in them or something? Its not against the law to not trust big pharma...yet.

you ever hear of the prescription opioid crisis? Where big pharma encouraged overprescription of dangerous medicine πŸ’Š knowing it could harm people and decided to just say fuck it, the fines will just be a cost of doing business? πŸ€”


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2dj7xe wrote

And now you change subject to opioids. You know why I'm so pro vaccine? BECAUSE VACCINES HAVE SAVED MILLIONS OF LIVES!


Sarcofaygo t1_j2dl33z wrote

Did they save the lived of the "fully" vaccinated people who died of covid?

Or is it one of those "death with dignity" things where they might be dead but at least big pharma got paid from them taking the vaccine so it's totally cool 😎


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2dlvm1 wrote

No one claimed it was going to save 100% of those vaccinated either! Did it save 100% of the vaccinated people from dying from COVID? No, it only saved like 99%, which apparently isn't good enough for you because you need some stupid talking points and you can't possibly back anything you say up with science, so you just keep running deeper and deeper down the whataboutism road. Apparently the only vaccines you think anyone should get are the ones that are 100% effective at preventing infection. Guess what, those don't exist! Yet somehow vaccines have ris the world of measles and polio, but I guess that's not good enough for you. Next time you feel sick, stay away from the hospital and doctors that rely on science, and instead go let some leeches suck the illness out of you.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2dnkq0 wrote

>No one claimed it was going to save 100% of those vaccinated either!

Is this you?

>Oh hey, guess what, if you have a preexisting heart condition, you're better off getting a vaccine because the complications from getting COVID are likely to be worse than that of the vaccine.

Falsely implying that taking the vaccine means people won't get covid, and thus won't die of covid. You made that claim


DrMonkeyLove t1_j2do1zv wrote

Where did I claim 100%? Did you fail math and English? What school did you go to so I can make sure my kids never go there? Are you too thick to admit what 100% means? Guess what, the person who was fully vaccinated and died from COVID was definitely going to die from COVID if they weren't vaccinated. This isn't hard to understand for people who made it through middle school.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2dooum wrote

>Oh hey, guess what, if you have a preexisting heart condition, you're better off getting a vaccine because the complications from getting COVID are likely to be worse than that of the vaccine.

The bolded is a false binary dichotomy because someone with the vaccine can still get covid.

Saying that someone with a heart condition that gets the vaccine won't suffer the complications from getting covid is not true. They can still suffer them because the vaccine doesn't prevent them from getting covid.

Anthony Fauci got covid while fully vaccinated and boosted. So he got the potential side effects of the vaccine and booster AND the potential side effects of covid. Get it?


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j2b8w15 wrote

>The vaccine meant nothing in my household. We all caught covid from a fully vaccinated and boosted family member.

Again, your family doesn't matter. Jesus titty fucking christ. Get it through your head that your extremely fucking limited experience is irrelevant in contradiction of broader statisticcs.


>I thought it was supposed to stop the spread? That wasn't my experience. We all had covid while fully vaccinated.

That's the goal. If we'd been able to deliver vaccines globally with as close to universal adoption rate, we would have maybe had a chance to do that before new mutations took hold. Part of that was unavoidable because of production and distribution limits and 3rd world nations with limited resources. Other parts were hurt because other countries settled on a less effective version of the vaccine.

And it was all doomed because enough people held out long enough and now we've got a situation where a booster specifically designed for Omicron variants has been ignored by like 80% of the population.

>It should not be mandated. The person I initially replied to said people should be pinned down and "made" to take the vaccine

I'm willing to compromise and just limit the ability to interact with those who refuse. In schools, treat it like the dozen other vaccines that are required to attend. And maybe we can have a "fuck around and find out" thing where instead of a hospital bed or known effective therapies, the unvaccinated can trust their immune system to the grave.


>For the first time, a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.

Fifty-eight percent of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated or boosted, according to an analysis conducted for The Health 202 by Cynthia Cox, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation.


I see you're as good at math as you are at science. Something like 80% of the US population has received 1 dose, with fully vaccinated being like 65% or so. Among higher risk groups like the elderly, those numbers are even higher.

This is like pointing out that most people who died of COVID are right-handed and pretending a link must exist instead of just realizing that THERE ARE A FUCKTON MORE PEOPLE WHO ARE RIGHT-HANDED IN THE WORLD.

This is classic base-rate fallacy bullshit.


Sarcofaygo t1_j2bbd9i wrote

>Again, your family doesn't matter. Jesus titty fucking christ. Get it through your head that your extremely fucking limited experience is irrelevant in contradiction of broader statisticcs.

Why are you so angry?

>That's the goal. If we'd been able to deliver vaccines globally with as close to universal adoption rate, we would have maybe had a chance to do that before new mutations took hold.

"Would have maybe" There's a lot of qualifiers there. No guarantee it'd actually work.

>Part of that was unavoidable because of production and distribution limits and 3rd world nations with limited resources. Other parts were hurt because other countries settled on a less effective version of the vaccine.

Our "more effective" vaccine still didn't stop the spread.

>And it was all doomed because enough people held out long enough and now we've got a situation where a booster specifically designed for Omicron variants has been ignored by like 80% of the population.

People lost faith in the vaccines after the caught covid-19 while "fully vaccinated".

>I'm willing to compromise and just limit the ability to interact with those who refuse. In schools, treat it like the dozen other vaccines that are required to attend. And maybe we can have a "fuck around and find out" thing where instead of a hospital bed or known effective therapies, the unvaccinated can trust their immune system to the grave.

Isn't that basically what China tried? They don't have human rights there. It didn't work.

>I see you're as good at math as you are at science. Something like 80% of the US population has received 1 dose, with fully vaccinated being like 65% or so. Among higher risk groups like the elderly, those numbers are even higher.

And yet, they ate still dying of covid. Damn.

>This is like pointing out that most people who died of COVID are right-handed and pretending a link must exist instead of just realizing that THERE ARE A FUCKTON MORE PEOPLE WHO ARE RIGHT-HANDED IN THE WORLD.

Okay? Its still no longer a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

>This is classic base-rate fallacy bullshit.

I guess? Take it up with the Washington post and Kaiser Family Foundation, I'm just reporting the news.