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TheOldestMillenial1 t1_j0laa2x wrote

My husband's grandfather "came through" her, I guess you could call it. She, in detail, described his home in Alabama down to the sunflower patterns that his grandmother used to decorate the house with, knew his dog's name, and described a picture of him standing in front of the house with the dog that my husband showed to me later. She even told him about the time my husband, as a child, broke his grandmother's favorite table and the grandfather lied and said it was him so my husband wouldn't get in trouble. It was unreal, the things she told him. And he was a skeptic too, like you, and walked away with a new perspective.


TheSunflowerSeeds t1_j0labdp wrote

There are two main types of Sunflower seeds. They are Black and Grey striped (also sometimes called White) which have a grey-ish stripe or two down the length of the seed. The black type of seeds, also called ‘Black Oil’, are up to 45% richer in Sunflower oil and are used mainly in manufacture, whilst grey seeds are used for consumer snacks and animal food production.


NYCNark t1_j0nf9kt wrote

Thanks for telling the story! Sounds very spooky! Sorry ppl downvoted.