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SuddenlySimple t1_j018r5r wrote

Not surprised MA and Boston have all the jobs


PlanetGoneCyclingOn t1_j01xp8g wrote

Or we're just small, so every resident is within commuting distance from the state border.


boulevardofdef t1_j02k8oo wrote

Yeah, not understanding why RI is near the top is an extremely "I Never Leave RI" thing. Any person anywhere in RI can commute to another state. That's not true of any other state -- maybe Delaware. If you live in Columbus, Ohio (metro population 2 million, twice as big as this entire state), you can't commute to another state, period, it doesn't matter how much you want to or how good the jobs are. I don't think people realize just how small RI is and what that means.


therealDrA t1_j02mbqt wrote

I am from Los Angeles. RI is less than a quarter the size of Los Angeles County. It is one of the reasons I chose RI. Everything is close. It takes less time to get to Boston than to drive across LA county at rush hour.


sporkemon t1_j03si2f wrote

hell, I had teachers growing up who commuted to my schools from connecticut and massachusetts. probably an hour for each of them but they crossed the whole state latitudinally/longitudinally to get there.