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FourAM t1_iz5t83h wrote

Does everyone in this state merge with highway speed traffic at 35mph and then keep going 35mph? This is why traffic sucks. Merge at speed you fools!


KennyWuKanYuen t1_iz62lb1 wrote

This. I hate when people expect you to suddenly be able to climb a giant hill from 35 to 65 in a matter of seconds because they decided using the ramp to get up to 65 isn’t worth doing.


Xalenn t1_iz6xi8h wrote

It especially sucks if you're driving a big truck that actually needs the entire ramp to get up to 65, and then you're stuck going 35 at the merge point because some clown in front didn't want to use the ramp


BRAiN_8 t1_iz87jbp wrote

We almost had a pile up on the centerville to 95S. We were picking speed to merge because it was pretty busy and some dumb*** was full dead stop and signaling to merge at the end of the ramp.