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flyingthrghhconcrete t1_iy80bex wrote

It's been a thing for a while. 30ish years ago they showed us a video of a young kid chasing a dropped item under the bus and the driver not seeing them and getting squished. Based on a few real occurrences in the news. The message was, don't be that kid. The district had monitors on the elementary buses but not upper grades.


jeffgolenski t1_iy87nxj wrote

This literally happened in Acushnet, MA (not far from RI) in the 90s. It was an absolute tragedy. It was the entire reason bus monitors became a standard in the SouthCoast of MA.

Edit: only article I could find that talks about it


sporkemon t1_iy8bk2x wrote

> “We lost a daughter on May 4, 1994, right out front here,” Mrs. Gwozdz said. Her daughter’s jacket tie got caught in the door “and they ran right over her," Mrs. Gwozdz said. She added, "Stacey wasn’t small. She was 13 years old," and thus it would have been easy for someone to see her, had there been a bus monitor.

jesus christ that poor girl and her poor family who had to watch that happen


rhodynative t1_iy87hzo wrote

In more recent years, a kid got his backpack, caught in the closing doors and dragged with the bus for a quarter-mile. It’s just a safe thing to do to ensure all children make it home.


10takeWonder t1_iy95v8h wrote

Few years ago (probably a few more now... what even is time) there was a girl i think from Pilgrim HS that got ran over by a school bus.


perkdoeswork t1_iy9ewzx wrote

That was 13 years ago, it was a horrible day :( (she was in my grade)


Florida_Aphelocoma t1_iy8lwqp wrote

They didn't check when I was in high school in the early 2000s, but it started some time soon after. We also never had monitors.