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TwinFinTriggerFish t1_iyb1d1i wrote

The fact that we clone things is Dystopian as well. Google has it's fingers in too much. That's true. However I try to scale it too. Out of all the dystopian shit in this world where does Google rank. They monitor and follow you sure, track your location cookies etc, and unfortunately that's inevitable. It's going to happen. Do they censor things yes. But buying their products is a choice. Our own government and others do far worse in the name of security and safety, which includes everything that google does as it does it with their help, and many many other sick and twisted things. So. Do I like it. No. Am I bothered by it. Like I said in many other posts, minor yes, do I like the ability to not waste heat but also have it set to the temp I need it coming home. That I say is a plus. I live alone, no kids, no wife or family out here .. it helps.