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katieleehaw t1_ivfqf79 wrote

Fuck people who go anywhere they don’t absolutely have to when sick.


theanti_girl t1_ivg938e wrote

My sister keeps sending her kids (not in RI) to school sick because “we tested, it’s not Covid, it’s just a cold.” I said, people don’t want a cold, either.

Some people just don’t fucking get it.


riotous_jocundity t1_ivggf87 wrote

Also, the rapid tests are no longer able to catch most COVID infections of the new strains unless someone is really, really churning out the virus. Passing a single rapid test that was only swapped in the nose doesn't mean you don't have COVID.


orm518 t1_ivgez5t wrote

At some point, kids are no longer actively contagious. We keep our kids home for a few days, and if no fever and symptoms improving, our day care POLICY is it's ok to send them back.

If we kept a kid home until he was 100% back to normal he would be out for 10 days every other week.


theanti_girl t1_ivgglqk wrote

Well, obviously. I remember as a kid that “perfect attendance” was touted as an achievement. In some schools, it still is. It’s also complete horseshit.

I’m not saying she doesn’t keep her kids home until there’s not a single sniffle or cough. I’m saying she doesn’t keep them home at all because “it’s not Covid, it’s just a cold.”


jjayzx t1_ivgrcs4 wrote

Cause when you grow up they want you to not miss a single day of work in your life, the american way.


JimmyHavok t1_ivggpjq wrote

Maybe the reason your kids get sick so often is the lax attitude at your daycare.


orm518 t1_ivgl0xz wrote

How do you juggle your kids and two parents with full-time jobs? I'd love to know.


ziddersroofurry t1_ivh3fzz wrote

Schools aren't supposed to be extended day care. They're supposed to be where kids go to learn. Kinda hard to learn when you've got some drippy-nosed germ factory making you and everyone else sick. When I had a cold my aunt-a nurse-kept me out of school until she was certain I wasn't contagious.


orm518 t1_ivhhji2 wrote

Go back and read my comment. It is extended day care.

Also, we wait until symptoms largely resolved, at that point you’re not shedding tons of virus and for some infections you’re not contagious within 2-3 days. Even COVID is only a 5 day quarantine plus 1-2 negative tests.


makesumnoize t1_ivin4m9 wrote

I could be wrong, but pretty sure CDC only went to a 5-day quarantine when the economy really couldn't bear the weight of longer quarantine periods on a mass scale anymore. I think it was 10 days prior to that change. But again, I could be misremembering.


orm518 t1_ivjc73z wrote

You’re right it was a medical decision on the benefit of additional time from a medical outcome standpoint. The percentage of people capable of still spreading the virus at day 6 is not statistically significantly more than at day 11, given the added burden on the patient.


WarExciting t1_ivh6m5o wrote

As another redditor said to me recently, “Don’t try to argue with the hive mind.”


orm518 t1_ivhhq72 wrote

Yeah. Our viral season this year is going to be tough specifically because we have largely avoided any immune challenge (for good reason, don’t get me wrong!) during two plus years of COVID and masking.


Maevora06 t1_ivijykn wrote

I wish the schools made it possible to stay home. I currently have a court date next week for absences from last year. Rules were SUPPOSED to be if you had certain symptoms to stay home and if not better in a day, get tested. We followed those and got in trouble for days absent. But the one day I sent my kid in with a runny nose I got looked at like I was crazy by the principle. Like make up your damn mind.

I’m going to ask wtf I was supposed to do during a pandemic when I am there next week. I never got an answer from the school nurse when asked so maybe the judge will have one. I’m sure I’ll have to pay a fine which is dumb. But whatever


WarExciting t1_ivh660w wrote

Some people don’t get that exposure to a relatively mild virus (the cold) prepares the body to fight off a multitude of other viruses. The reason that we’re having such a noticeable uptick in upper respiratory viral infections is because there has been very little low level exposure for the last two years resulting in the viruses continuing to mutate naturally and our immune systems not keeping up.


BBKing-13 t1_ivjhwn1 wrote

There are some hypotheses about this but not a lot of evidence to support it. Yeah, if you didn’t interact with other ppl for some time, you may get a cold or other virus when you start interacting socially again, but that doesn’t mean that the mild infections protect against more severe ones down the road. Immunity is largely pathogen-specific, and even for the non-specific part of the immunity, it will develop regardless of having contact with actively sick people at a bar. Preventing obvious exposures shouldn’t be discouraged— you’ll get exposed to stuff anyway.


Syncope7 t1_ivhw2b5 wrote

Some people also can’t afford to keep their own children at home because they have to work during the day. Some people aren’t as privileged as you are.

Some people just don’t fucking get it.


theanti_girl t1_ivhx2tq wrote

She’s a college professor who works two days a week. She can do what she needs to.

School isn’t daycare. If your kid is sick, sure you may not be able to care for them yourself — you have a backup plan. If you don’t, you think your best bet is to send your sick kid to school to infect all the kids and teachers?

Solid parenting.


Syncope7 t1_ivi38d4 wrote

Hahaha. Your response shows that you have not lived a life with uncertainty or turbulence. I envy that of you. I don't really care for your sister and her situation (Maybe you should talk to her about it, rather than cry on reddit) but others are not as lucky as you. Count your blessings.


theanti_girl t1_ivi3h36 wrote

You have literally NO idea what I’ve done or not done, who I am, what I’ve gone through. Just like I don’t know you.

I didn’t cry about anything, but that’s cute. I mentioned something on topic about the particular thread we’re in. I know, crazy, right? I think any parent who sends their kids to school sick sucks.


makesumnoize t1_ivinaje wrote

Perhaps these are scenarios one should consider before deciding to have children?


makesumnoize t1_ivimtle wrote

Yes, to a degree. I once got very upset at a co-worker and friend who came to the office very clearly ill with flu and got everyone in our wing sick. I gave it to my immunocompromised dad (living at home at the time), and he spent 9 days in the ICU. I was pissed. This was pre-pandemic.

Her excuse? It was a big day at work. She wasn't wrong. And she probably would have gotten shit had she called out sick that day.

So many of our problems stem from the outdated, disgustingly American mentality of work over everything else. It's changing here, thankfully, but too slowly.


katieleehaw t1_ivjfegn wrote

At a bare minimum, wear a damn mask if you’re sick and have to go somewhere. This isn’t rocket science.


overthehillhat t1_ivhl3po wrote

They probably spent all day at work like that

and feel like they need a drink after work