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Opticalpopsicle1074 t1_iv5881p wrote

I call this train the “Bullet train”. At the Wickford Walmart you can see it rocket ship by, it’s truly a sight to behold. It’s otherworldly how fast it goes.


FourAM t1_iv5il61 wrote

Waiting for the train at TF Green on the platform and seeing it whiz past is pretty great, but Attleboro and/or Mansfield stations are the best because they’re part of a miles long straightaway and they really just open them up there.

If you’re on the Commuter Rail and one passes, the air it deflects actually flexes all the window glass in as it goes by, and it sounds like someone slammed a door in another part of a house.

They’re getting all new trains for 2023 which are much more modern and expected to be able to take most of the route at an even higher speed; up to 165MPH through Attleboro/Mansfield.