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misterspokes t1_iv35tez wrote

There are places to dig clams where it's easier to boat and dive because while the waters are tidal enough for clams, they're not shallow enough to stand and dig.


Legitimate_Sample108 t1_iv6w30c wrote

I've been diving for quahogs off the coast of Jamestown for many years . Now there's no place to park my truck without getting a parking ticket from the police. Unless you can score a "residents" sticker for your windshield.


somegridplayer t1_iv3n9z3 wrote

> not shallow enough to stand and dig

If they only made a thing with tines and a basket attached....


winter-14 t1_iv4s02e wrote

Easier to see where to dig when diving vs random guessing when bullraking. Easier on the shoulders n back too!