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Automotivematt t1_isjgot8 wrote

So you're from California and you are homeless and your priority is finding a way to vote here? No offense but I think you have bigger problems than trying to vote in this election. Not to mention it's past the registration deadline.


KeepYrGlitterDry t1_isjiwx4 wrote

Past the registration deadline is fair, but every citizen has the right to vote, regardless of what you think their priorities should be.


PinkSwallowLove OP t1_isjmpfm wrote

No offense taken, but I have made tremendous improvements in my situation since I became homeless two months ago. Thank you for bringing to my attention that’s it’s past the deadline, I appreciate it.


LateToSapphos t1_isk66gs wrote

Don’t you think as someone displaced and relying on social/gov assistance they have the most at stake when it comes to who gets into office? You should be happy that even those who have so much going on in their lives are getting out there to vote instead of just letting all the bitter geriatrics decide who’s going to be in office.


unidumper t1_iskqtky wrote

Bitter geriatrics? Alot of them need assistance especially in this economic mess. Hell they need it more than lazy entitled blue, green haired able bodied youth who worry more about getting to the dispensary than to work..


Doodledoodledewd t1_it1662l wrote

No need to pit elder voters against youth voters! Both perspectives matter a great deal.


katieleehaw t1_isjme00 wrote

Why wouldn’t it be a priority?


Automotivematt t1_isjn27z wrote

Because winter is coming and it's going to get really cold. They are from California so they may not be used to this kind of cold. Getting shelter and possibly a job would be a priority if it was me. I wouldn't be looking how to vote, I would be looking how to survive.


PinkSwallowLove OP t1_isjnedi wrote

I already have a job and I’ve been lucky enough to get into a decent homeless shelter, and I am also starting to build up my winter wardrobe. At this point, I’m just saving up to rent a room/apartment.


Doodledoodledewd t1_isjum6s wrote

Good for you- I hope you continue to find ways to get your feet under you and that you find supportive services and people to help you on your journey. It is totally reasonable that you see voting as a necessary part of your survival too, because it is. And bravo for you for including it in your plan. It may, in fact, be too late this time… but you might be able to cast a provisional ballot (?) and I agree with the earlier commenter who said that checking in with Crossroads is probably a good place to start. You can also call the RI board of elections and see if they have any advice. The staff there is super helpful 401-222-2345. Honestly even bringing up the conversation here, and asking the questions to the BOE is a form of advocacy because it keeps people having voter access conversations thinking about specific situations like the one you are describing. ❤️ good luck to you and cheers for all the good work you’ve already done.


chatendormi t1_iska8us wrote

You can’t do both? 24 hours in a day… I think OP can do both.


Automotivematt t1_iskzyy2 wrote

Well technically they can't do both as registration for voting has already ended...


LionMcTastic t1_islaz5k wrote

Did you know that you can care about more than one thing?


Automotivematt t1_islsug2 wrote

Did you know adding in your two cents at this point is useless?


LionMcTastic t1_islt7gu wrote

Same could be said to you, kid


[deleted] t1_islz1uc wrote



[deleted] t1_ism972r wrote



[deleted] t1_ism9y97 wrote



[deleted] t1_ismiukm wrote
