Submitted by kingofallnorway t3_yhqbev in RhodeIsland

Extremely worried. Eviction means it's over for you in the RI rental market.

My disabled relative fell behind on rent starting a few months ago. They live in an apartment complex, and they have been a tenant for a decade with great history overall. I am looking for advice on organizations or ANY resources to contact for guidance, to start with, talking to the landlord and buying more time with an agreement. Payments can be made now. Maybe a mediator could help, not sure.

I am seeking suggestions for legal and/or rental help or help finding housing. The management company has been reasonable in the past, and my relative has been a great tenant especially relative to some neighbors that ruined their apartments. I'm hoping there's a way to reach an agreement and avoid a terrible outcome.

What rights do tenants have in RI? I read something about mediation but wouldn't know how to get the process started. What can one do when paying the entire back amount is impossible all at once?

The goal would be an agreement (probably short term) to pay normal rent plus back rent and give more time to locate housing. We have been working on finding rent assistance, but so far have had no luck. We are trying Salvation Army to start.



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ccahill26 t1_iufdolm wrote

Hey there I do not know anything about rental law in RI but i do know if you call 211 they can direct you to some help...either legal or financial. It is setup by United Way RI to point people in the right direction if they don't know where to start.


DrGeraldBaskums t1_iufln4m wrote

Rhode Island Legal Services has a department that helps with exactly this issue


kingofallnorway OP t1_iug9vxm wrote

Thank you for the suggestion. What is the right website? The one I found is just a plain page with links, is that it? And which department is it specifically?


Unique-Public-8594 t1_iufjs8a wrote

Not directly helpful but have them go (or go for them) to food shelves or get free food at church kitchens to help them save money.

If you want to specify which town I’ll try to find details for you.


radioflea t1_iuhm2vr wrote

If they can’t drive then they also might be eligible for Meals on wheels.


Ph886 t1_iufdues wrote



Desperate_Expert_952 t1_iufo127 wrote

Talk to the landlord and get back on track so they don’t get evicted. Also if they are disabled maybe look into housing that is specifically more for their needs.


Sverker_Wolffang t1_iuglsj2 wrote

Their landlord wouldn't happen to be neighborhood works would they? Because something similar just happened to multiple people in my complex just over the ct border.


Frequent_Ad_7824 t1_iuigbkt wrote

Get a housing lawyer or write up a offer and have it notarized and make sure you go to any court hearings


DisastrousFudge3593 t1_iufexxx wrote

I believe you can still get rent relief from the Covid funds… look up rent relief ri. They pay back rent and future rent potentially


Sparkleshart t1_iufpuvw wrote

Rent relief ended in June


DisastrousFudge3593 t1_iufpzno wrote

Actually it just ended sept 30. So yes it’s ended but it just ended


Sparkleshart t1_iufrdd7 wrote

Actually applications closed in June, so while they were still processing, you were out of luck in terms of access as of June.


DisastrousFudge3593 t1_iufrm9s wrote

No they extended the program and continued taking applications til sept 30 on a rolling basis. Why would I make that up? Seriously. I have tenants that I just applied for in September that received aid. Look it up instead of arguing something your wrong about


Sparkleshart t1_iuftitw wrote

Not sure why you’re so hell bent on arguing the semantics of it as it wouldn’t apply to OP regardless, but all media and official messaging form the program lists the end as of June 1.


DisastrousFudge3593 t1_iuftndd wrote


snicklefrizz t1_iugmcbp wrote

You’re incorrect. I found some help through the program. They stopped accepting applications as of June 1 and the September 30 date listed on the website linked was to inform any and all applicants that all final decisions regarding relief benefits would be made by that date. Pretty much every employee tied to the program had left the building, and in most instances, the state of RI after October 1. If you don’t believe me, try calling RI Housing for verification instead of telling people to “look it up instead of arguing something your (sic) wrong about” … that is… unless you’re just that form of RI momo that just insists that whatever diarrhea of a thought that comes out of your feeble mind is absolute truth. Then, God help you. Cement shoes and the Crook Point Bridge are probably your best option.


DisastrousFudge3593 t1_iufrql1 wrote

Anyone who submitted applications until sept 30 can still be getting processed however they will be taking no more at this point .