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abovaveragefox t1_jd54nix wrote

Ok so he is making that point. In a bill requiring all people be considered in a neat little report how is he wrong for probing the fringe of what's covered.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jd57q3z wrote

Because he's clearly trying clearly trying to link LGTBQ people to pedophiles. This isn't new or unique.

Using Satanists as the religious example is just a case of him being an idiot since they're the perfect benchmark for laws regarding religion. So, on that count, he's really only kinda stupid. It's lazy and stupid, but there's no real malice in it. Basically, it'd make him a harmless idiot if that was all he said.

Asking your coworker, who you know is a lesbian, if they're a pedophile? That's just hateful. It's the same bullshit that has already gotten people killed.


abovaveragefox t1_jd58l7u wrote

No that's your clearly bias perception of the situation. I see a lazy politician who doesn't want to add an extra report for every bill proposed. I don't agree with his politics but I think he has a valid bone to pick with her seemingly vague proposal.