Submitted by OutlandishnessNo7283 t3_11tw26k in RhodeIsland

Hey coffee drinkers of Rhode Island! My friends and I are currently looking for a spot where we can open a humble, worker-owned coffee shop. Providence is kind of out of the question, since there are already so many great little cafes & rent is pretty high, so we were thinking East Providence, Warwick, Cranston, or Pawtucket, but we are open to most towns if the price/location/foot traffic is right.

We are only looking for a small space (think White Electric, Amy's Place, or Nitro Bar in PVD if you're familiar) and do not require a full kitchen. The focus will be quality coffee (organic, fair-trade, beans roasted in-house), vegan/gluten-free baked goods and snacks, fresh juices, nice vibe/good music, cozy seating/lighting, and as sustainable/environmentally conscious as possible.

If you have seen or noticed any storefronts that you think would make for a great coffee shop location, or if you have any resources that would help us in our search, please let me know! Any and all help would be greatly appreciated:).


PS. If you have any tips or suggestions regarding things that you'd like to see in your ideal café, feel free to post here as well!

EDIT: Thanks for all the recommendations everyone! Based on your comments we’ll definitely be checking out Cranston (Rolfe Square), Pawtucket, EP, Warwick and Wickford. Please reach out if the perfect spot opens up near you!



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dollrussian t1_jcl3svn wrote

Would kill for a good coffee shop in Cranston.


scoutshonor1013 t1_jclidrg wrote

+1 for Cranston — in Rolfe Sq!


Killjoy4eva t1_jcn7ix1 wrote

I've said this forever to my wife. A high quality coffee shop, à la Coffee Exchange, would absolutely kill in Rolfe Square.


Gribblestix t1_jclvmhd wrote

+2 for Rolfe Sq though Cafe Ava just opened - haven’t been yet.

What’s the deal with Park? Seems like it has very mixed reviews.


scoutshonor1013 t1_jcn8bpq wrote

The park is not good for coffee or pastries — specifically they must buy their pastries from a larger company that are likely frozen. Their space is better for night events.


TheMusicGenome t1_jclsmhu wrote

This is the answer! Cranston is seriously lacking a good coffee shop!


dollrussian t1_jclstb1 wrote

Somewhere central, somewhere that’s not run by an asshole, cough cough cafe bon ami.


undergroundbastard t1_jcraope wrote

Malcolm’s a good guy, his politics notwithstanding. High energy bordering on intense so I can see how you’d feel that way. Also: he’s a former kicker for the Pats.


OutlandishnessNo7283 OP t1_jcl5gjd wrote

My friend who lives in Cranston mentioned the same thing! I think a lot of towns in RI are in need of a good café.


dollrussian t1_jcl5pqr wrote

We just had a few open up — like the Park (it’s just ok) and Cafe Ava (Latin flare) which are all great but no traditional coffee shop anywhere in Cranston proper. I’d love somewhere where I can hangout and work for when I need a change of pace than sitting at my house


devinmarieb t1_jcpkl3v wrote

There’s some white building in Pawtuxet Village near the bridge that looks abandoned but I’ve never seen a for sale sign. I’ve always thought it would be a great place for a brewery or modern coffee shop. Probably a larger space than OP is looking for though.


NET42 t1_jcl1wd8 wrote

The old location for Tilly's Cheesesteaks is empty in West Kingston on Route 138. Right near URI and the Kingston Amtrak station. Might be a little bigger than what you're looking for though. You'd also have TLC Coffee Roasters right down the street as competition.


SonOfBaldy t1_jcne7ok wrote

Has a good amount of parking but it seems a bit big for what they're looking for


pumpkincraisin t1_jclbriq wrote

Downtown Pawtucket has a lot of open buildings and there are a few new things going on in the area, though not a ton of foot traffic yet


OutlandishnessNo7283 OP t1_jclhi9u wrote

Yeah, I think there will probably be a lot of growth in that area soon, especially with the new train station and rising prices in PVD. Will have to take a walk through the city and take a look around. Is there a particular street or part of Pawtucket you think would be worth checking out?


pumpkincraisin t1_jclhuzy wrote

I'd check out by the Guild and new train station. I know RI Spirits moved over to that area and assume more places will be popping up soon


Ants1nmyplants t1_jclodbp wrote

Please open one in Edgewood, Cranston! There are Dunkin’s (gross!) and 2 coffee shops on Pawtuxet village but none in the more northern Edgewood area. Lots of foot traffic and people working from home


OutlandishnessNo7283 OP t1_jclrxjd wrote

Yes one of my friends who I'm doing this with used to live in Edgewood. We'll have to explore the area. If you see anything become available please let me know!


OpticalFlatulence t1_jcmekw2 wrote

There is a GF baker in the Edgewood area that is a private chef and has a following on IG for her food. She might be a resource to reach out to. DM for details.


antoniafarzan t1_jcms48v wrote

Also an Edgewood resident and just came here to suggest our area. There is a storefront for rent in the strip mall on Park Ave where Calvitto’s is…


rebeccanau t1_jclemiu wrote

Slatersville Plaza!!! In N. Smithfield. There is NO coffee out this way.


invadrzim t1_jcp7rfe wrote

Isn’t the coffee/ breakfast place that was attached to beef barn there now?


rebeccanau t1_jcp8xr4 wrote

Its a greasy breakfast place that closes early


invadrzim t1_jcpfjc1 wrote

Oh that’s unfortunate, ive never actually been to it


vilake2014 t1_jclz1g8 wrote

Wickford RI. Quaint area and decent food traffic but no coffee shop.


UncleJimmee t1_jcl5lws wrote

Wakefield and Wickford could use another shop.


Loveroffinerthings t1_jcprkma wrote

Wakefield has CafBar, Audrey’s, and a Starbucks, already. Audrey’s is pretty bad, but cafbar is great. If a new spot opened it would have to be a step up.


OutlandishnessNo7283 OP t1_jcl6mvf wrote

Good to know! Such cute towns too:). We'll have to walk through to see what is available sometime soon.


trinity_celia t1_jcliiuv wrote

Mount Pleasant is so in need of a local coffee shop somewhere on Chalkstone!


OutlandishnessNo7283 OP t1_jcllnqn wrote

That’s true, not a bad area over there either, and lots of RIC/PC students. Thanks 🙏


derpbeluga t1_jcljp3p wrote

2200 Warwick Ave in Warwick, ample parking, has been vacant for over a year, on a busy road. Perfect.


Hdale803 t1_jcmpjj4 wrote

Warwick! Specifically near Hoxsie/Norwood. Presto and Ritual recently opened and they’re doing GREAT! Warwick needs more coffee options!


OutlandishnessNo7283 OP t1_jcmptok wrote

Thank you! I’m not too familiar with the labyrinth that is Warwick. I’ll have to check out that spot:).


hodgekin54 t1_jcn173m wrote

There's a lot of empty storefronts in Apponag next to city hall plus a cool witch shop/art space just opened there


powerpopslop t1_jcmstr4 wrote

There's a bit of a coffee shop desert at the far edge of Oak Hill in Pawtucket before you get to 95, although there's a lot of residents there that would love one (I know Wildflour exists, but I'm talking further from that plaza). There is a 'for lease' sign on two little storefronts around 420 Pawtucket Ave. that I've always wished were a tiny coffee bar. Bonus: it's just around the corner from where Butterbang opened up shop. And honestly, there might be other available spots on Pawtucket Ave.


WafflesTheBadger t1_jcoudgq wrote

I literally had this same exact thought because I walk by it to get to Butterbang. The "for lease" sign has the number (401) 738-5000. There's also the old laundromat (the rent seems reasonable in that one) and Lauren's (but I'd be skeptical of that spot. It stank something fierce when I finally gave it a try)


MarlKarx-1818 t1_jcm3vqa wrote

Probably not a fiscally sound desicion but i would love a good coffee shop in Elmhurst.


ihavebigboobiezz t1_jcll200 wrote

Oh!!! Do you guys have a Facebook or Instagram I 100% would love to follow you guys just so I can be updated on your grand opening!!!

Always love supporting small businesses ❤️


OutlandishnessNo7283 OP t1_jcllwy7 wrote

Haha, no not yet. We’re still in the early/beginning stages of everything. I’ll be sure to come back here and provide updates when we have our grand opening. Thanks for the support!!


ihavebigboobiezz t1_jcloc6p wrote

I’m gonna follow you’re account and watch like a hawk.

Recommendations I have, make sure you have decaf options. You would be surprised the amount of people that come into a café asking for it.

Even if you don’t want to spend the money on decaf beans for coffee advertise for decaf espresso to make americanos. That’s what we did at my café, the majority of people cannot taste the difference between a decaf Americano and a decaf coffee lol.

Also, it might do you some good to offer coconut milk. I don’t know if maybe it’s just a Newport thing, but a lot of people come in asking for coconut milk I have noticed and the request for this particular type of alternative milk has only been growing over the past year.

Sugar free options or options that aren’t overly sweet. I get a lot of people who come in and complain that it’s very hard for them to go to “New Age” coffee shops because it’s very hard for them to find drinks that they actually enjoy that are not overly sweet.

It might make your brand look more health-conscious if you take the time to put if a product has dairy, nuts, if it’s OK for vegans to eat, etc. etc. The only reason why I’m even suggesting this is because customers do this thing where they never say anything about their dietary restrictions or allergies. I can’t tell you how many times I make drinks that have dairy in them for vegans and the person in question just never said anything. Or the amount of times people with dairy allergies don’t actually say anything so I can’t account for a cross-contamination.

If you can, try to look for an area where tourists/locals are going to be walking around so people going don’t just have to drive there. The amount of people that are going to come inside purely because they want to window shops is very high and since so many people in Coffee they’re probably going to buy something.

Source for recommendations - have been a barista for 5+ years and these are commons things I’ve noticed :)

Good luck!!


OutlandishnessNo7283 OP t1_jclrmfy wrote

Great tips/ideas, thanks for taking the time to list them! I've worked at restaurants but never a café, so your knowledge is very helpful.

We definitely plan on having all of the plant-based milks/creams on hand. The suggestion about decaf and sugar alternatives is a great idea, we'll probably also have some assortment of homemade infused syrups as well as agave/honey and your basic simple syrup. It's crazy how many places either don't know what simple syrup is, or don't leave it out for customer's and make you ask for it!

Also love your idea about listing ingredients and allergies. My friend has a gluten intolerance and my mother has Celiac's, so it's very important to us to make that info available and to avoid cross-contamination at all costs.

It will be very obvious what drink sizes and what milks/syrups are available. And there will certainly be no wobbly tables!


KennyWuKanYuen t1_jcm44yr wrote

This may seem a little off kilter since I can’t think of any locations at the moment, however; have you considered maybe a food truck-style coffee shop? If not, I’ll just plant the seed in your mind.

But I was thinking maybe West End, but that’s also in Providence. In EP, you could try by city hall or the HS, but those areas seem too busy for good foot traffic. Most places that come to mind for a good coffee shop are in Providence, either near the East Side or downtown, but all of that goes against your stipulations. :/


Dramatic_Rent_7596 t1_jcm4g45 wrote

The wakefield/south kingstown area could use some good ones. It's a great market near the URI campus!


Brilliant_Badger_141 t1_jcn0pq9 wrote

Warren RI sounds perfect. The t-mobile downtown closed and it's the perfect storefront


homicidal_pancake t1_jco31bv wrote

Look around the Naval Station Newport area, might be able to make bank on all those sailors and nerds


rhodyjourno t1_jcqhkcc wrote

Would love to know when you find a place! I'm a business and food writer for the Boston Globe's Rhode Island Bureau and I have a free weekly newsletter about the business of food and dining.

email me anytime-


constantchaosclay t1_jcl8ucc wrote

Please hurry and expand to eastern CT. It’s only Dunkies as far as the eye can see. I can’t take this much longer!!

I miss WA with the tons of tiny drive thru coffee huts.


OutlandishnessNo7283 OP t1_jcla4pj wrote

Oh man, yeah once you get out of the city centers good coffee shops are so hard to come by:(. I feel your pain!


elevenbill t1_jclwv1k wrote

You missed out on downtown Pawtucket. 2 different cafe’s are opening this spring/summer already.


sjwillis1 t1_jcn0kcp wrote

900 Smith St is getting built out now it seems. No real good coffee in the north providence area


Alternative-Bat-8453 t1_jcnm9bg wrote

Taunton Ave East Providence there’s a spot for rent next to a barbershop, it’s right near Meidera restaurant. Not sure the details but there’s a for rent sign with a phone number.


Constant_Aspect9955 t1_jcnmdfm wrote

North Providence!!! Every single coffee shop absolutely sucks! It’s all gas station coffee masquerading as coffee shops.


DDeast t1_jcotphn wrote

Olneyville square. Would draw from valley and western side of west end. Schools nearby, etc etc. paragon mills is filling up with residents. They have a great space on the Paragon mill property that would make a great coffee shop if space on the square wasn’t available.