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sasquatchington t1_jdyj72m wrote

It is illegal to ride on RI state property with any off road vehicle. Unless it’s the beach and you have a CRMC beach pass and are within the regs. RI is not friendly for state land usage aside from hunting or fishing on foot.

I’m not here to defend these dick weeds. I’m just stating facts. I spend a lot of my time in CT when I want to fish/hunt/do things in the woods.


OkNotice8600 t1_jdzg3qo wrote

Not that these riders would know, but the rules in RI are unclear. They define that something with low pressure tires can be a snowmobile. Atvs have low pressure tires, it’s not even a debate. And there are several state parks where they are allowed. It’s written very unclear….

Section 8.2 definitions:

They go on to list where these recreational vehicles are permitted, but if you went there you’d have a problem because not even the DEM know how they’re own rules are written.

Areas where you “can” ride:


Now if you show up to these places, they’ll all say “no motorized vehicles”. The dem also expects you to register said vehicles even though you can’t ride it anywhere in public.

Under now circumstances can you free ride on the road like this, it’s reckless. You can make a parallel crossing safety, but that’s it.


majoroutage t1_jdyjndk wrote

You're not wrong, but it'd still be better than city streets.


allhailthehale t1_jdzpob1 wrote

No way. It tears up the trails and is disruptive and dangerous for anyone hiking. Designated off road trails-- fine. But otherwise, definitely not better.


evilchris t1_je0aprw wrote

The sand dunes in big river is the perfect area to sanction. I wish RIDEM could get their head out of their own ass and work to accommodate all user groups.

Shit that land was taken from the public via eminent domain for a project that never happened…


Designer_Dot_1492 t1_je0f4nx wrote

I agree that the dunes should be reopened as a riding area, however these jerks will never go there to ride. It doesn't server their purpose, and it would be too far for them to ride there, lol.


overthehillhat t1_je1kwhj wrote

They just wanna ride wild - -

where they can see - -

and be seen-

not in the woods/rural areas