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Gsquzared t1_j982p88 wrote

Hold on. Just gotta respond to you here and finish this TikTok video and then I'll move over.


FunnyFilmFan t1_j988kz1 wrote

But I always drive exactly the speed limit, so nobody should ever go faster than me.


Loveroffinerthings t1_j9ljx3v wrote

And you are doing a great job at keeping those pesky speeders honest! 😂😂😂


Vertchewal t1_j98dv4n wrote

No I feel it’s my personal responsibility to regulate how fast people go


stand-up-tragedy t1_j985n0b wrote

I’m too busy trying to squint through my tint.


Ryv0n t1_j9894a0 wrote

Also here’s the thing about passing, you can be passing but still not going 100mph. Some of you just got the need for speed at 9AM for whatever reason


Mrmojorisincg t1_j9a0gph wrote

If you’re not going 75mph+ in the left most lane you should not be in it. Simple as that


Ryv0n t1_j9alrqs wrote

I do 80 usually left lane but somehow some jackass in an audi or ford will still be on my damn ass


Gun2TheHead t1_j9dpne5 wrote

Thats just because they're ghey


Ryv0n t1_j9dq2y2 wrote

Glad you commented and reminded me of this thread because I just had a tailgating experience with a bmw driver. I was going a little less than 80. Point still stands


Proper_Boss523 t1_j98m228 wrote

and if you are doing 90, please get in the high speed lane


SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j9a7x2j wrote

Why? That far right lane (yes, the one to the right of the solid white line) is always clear for passing.


KennyWuKanYuen t1_j9cr14s wrote

RI honestly needs to implement HSLs. Hell, the whole US needs to implement HSLs.


Over_Art_921 t1_j9abpr8 wrote

Also 2x2 goes through a light faster than single file.

You are permitted to pass on the right if the vehicle in front of you is stopped to go left. But not on the highway. We seem to have gotten this backwards.

If there's turkeys in the road stop fine. But don't just sit there. Flash your lights or blow your horn or creep up and motivate them to move. I ain't got all day for this shit.

Use the climbing lane and stop treating an on ramp yield sign like a stop sign.

And when you have the right of way....... Fucking go. You're fucking up the flow of traffic.


Ryv0n t1_j988sl4 wrote

Maybe when they finally fix the roads I’ll obey traffic etiquette (this is a joke)


Uakaris t1_j9a8x25 wrote

You really shouldn’t be posting to Reddit while you drive.


tcevan t1_j9ah4av wrote

no! and then when you try to pass me, I am going to speed up to block you from doing so! /s


kittenadoption_ t1_j9b48ua wrote

My recent fun new experiences on the RI roadways are always-high-beamers and people using the suction cup phone clips not to have a gps but to watch tv/youtube/twitch/videos (as in this was not one guy I saw)


imuniqueaf t1_j9ecdbt wrote

Those people would be really upset, if they could read.


r0k0v t1_j9btvr4 wrote

I see this subject pop up all of the time. I think it’s important to note that this is an entirely different discussion if the traffic conditions are free flowing or congested.

TL;DR The passing lane law does not take into account congestion..letting someone by in heavy traffic vs free flowing are two very different things.

Free flowing? Sure I’m doing 80-90 most likely but if you’re feeling like a mad man, you can scoot on by.

Congested? I’m not moving because I am not the problem and generally consistently passing if there isn’t a huge backup. I would contend that in congested conditions that the left lane should be considered a travel lane. Simply that space/lane is needed to distribute flow. In this conditions I would argue that people who expect to be passing and aggressively change lanes to do so make traffic worse. Why? Because tight merges between lanes causes other people to brake, which causes other people to brake, which ultimately can have the effect of slowing down many people behind this event just so one person can get somewhere 1-2 min faster.

In these congested conditions some people need to accept that things are just going to take a little longer and there is no magic way to pass your way by the traffic.


Dances_With_Cheese t1_j9fqmtw wrote

Perfect time for the “we don’t do that here” Black Panther/Wakanda meme.


Blackbird8919 t1_j9b6yu5 wrote

With all the potholes and dips in the right lane? Nah go around me.


newtoRI22 t1_j98tsmo wrote

I don’t camp in the left lane, and I will freely admit that it can be frustrating to get stuck behind a slower moving vehicle; however, if you’re encountering vehicles so frequently in the left lane that you feel the need to plead with them online to move over, perhaps it’s time to slow down a bit.

Speeding is arguably a worse offense than camping in the left lane. (Citations for speeding start higher than those for not driving in the rightmost lane, and they stack with every MPH over.) Just because all of us speed, doesn’t mean that we should be doing it.


Harpua81 t1_j999ms5 wrote

Studies have shown the opposite, speeding less dangerous than camping because camping causes other drivers to change lanes more frequently to get around you.


maybebullshitmaybe t1_j99uz4m wrote

Interesting...I often hear them ask if alcohol or SPEED was a factor (in accidents). Not if "camping" was.


cowperthwaite t1_j9an5pc wrote

Just because our state/country selectively enforces specific laws doesn't give them any more moral authority.

Pot used to be a crime, now it's legal. Just because authorities up the penalties doesn't make something intrinsically worse, it just means the people in positions of power don't like it or have other motivations to penalize it.

Arguably, camping is a worse offense.

In Germany, which has better drivers, drivers education and license regulations, camping IS a worse offense, especially when there is no speed limit.


newtoRI22 t1_j9as9ta wrote

I’m open to the argument; however, the change in kinetic energy involved in a crash when someone is speeding is going to be more important than their lane position.

I’m making an assumption that the sort of person who comes on to Reddit and to complain about left lane camping is the same sort of person who will drive 90mph and tailgate someone going 75 who is still passing people to their right. My assumption might be wrong, but the tendency of drivers in the US to treat the road like they’re playing Need for Speed contributes to high severity crashes more than grandma going the speed limit in the left lane.


maybebullshitmaybe t1_j99uvj1 wrote

>if you’re encountering vehicles so frequently in the left lane that you feel the need to plead with them online to move over, perhaps it’s time to slow down a bit.

Was thinking the same. I'm always at the speed limit or 5-10 over and there's always somebody on my ass. People just wanna do 30mph and somehow that's the right thing 🙄. I generally stay out of the left lane anyways because I don't have to drive fast, I leave with time to get where I need to go. Protip: Leave yourself enough time and you don't need to speed. 🤷‍♀️
