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mica1994 t1_j8xz360 wrote

my partner gave them a ring and reported what we've been experiencing! outside of our house smells like a pool and it didn't before it rained.


Megasoulflower t1_j8y5mst wrote

Go you, dawg! Thanks for reporting it!! (: I hope your smell clears away soon ):


AdIll6974 t1_j8zjan6 wrote

Okay same! Thought I was going nuts. My throat also was burning. There was a huge fire in Braintree, MA earlier this morning so it could be that—what happened in OH is more likely to hit ME than us, but I was a little suspicious!


Megasoulflower t1_j8y5q9u wrote

Do you live near any facilities or plants?


mica1994 t1_j8y8lt3 wrote

we live in providence, so it could be anything really. we're in a mostly residential area.

i'm not sold on the smell originating from the east palestine derailment due to timing and a few articles i've read, but when i saw your comment, i figured why not call it in and let the professionals check it out! it was enough to startle both of us when we went outside.


Megasoulflower t1_j8yapse wrote

I definitely think it’s worth a call! The folks who are paid to do that sort of thing (environmental emergency response) really and truly very rarely know unless someone tells them. I also truly doubt it originates from the derailment. I think it’s much, much more likely some facility nearby made a “whoopsie” or something like that. Do you know how to check on the RCRA-regulated facilities near you? There’s an EPA website you can use to check which facilities near you have had violations, as well as check on the types of facilities near you that might one day have an “oopsie!”