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Nomadhero_ t1_j8xg3k2 wrote

Heyo, I have a family member that is getting their PhD studying NO2 air pollution.

Take all this with a grain of salt, this was just a casual conversation not backed by current data.

  1. Usually acid rain is SO2. Vinyl chloride when fully combusted (note the fully) doesn't breakdown into this. BUt HCl could mimic acid rain from partial combustion
  2. People keep sharing a map on social media, but it is missing a comparison of data.

Rainfall coming from the New York metro area is already going to be more acidic.

3. A way to test this is to find a control of normal rainfall pH then test the pH of rain today. You could do this with pool strips in a puddle and there must be average pH levels some where online

4.General rule of thumb: more reactive something is, the lower its lifetime and less it can travel

  1. Again mass air modelling with before and after the crash to determine if the airflow is coming from that area


I am not a scientist.


AdIll6974 t1_j8zjm2f wrote

I can’t attach a screen shot but our air quality ~meh today and the reasoning was: PM2.5, PM10, O3, NO2, SO2, and CO!