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SweatyCockroach8212 OP t1_jacn67l wrote

I do not. At the time I looked (a few years ago), I think it was going to cost about $35,000 which I just couldn't justify for the very few outages that I have. My electricity usage is already net-zero, so the only extra benefit of batteries to me is to stay up when the grid isn't working. For me, the outages are too infrequent and not for very long, so I didn't see the value in a battery backup system.


nathanaz t1_jacobha wrote

Makes sense…. That’s a lot of cash for something you wouldn’t use often.


SweatyCockroach8212 OP t1_jacomwm wrote

However, I do believe battery storage is just one big engineering discovery away from breaking through and the costs dropping dramatically. Once that happens, I'd definitely consider battery backup.