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Proof-Variation7005 t1_j7q1bwt wrote

This is a very important tip because you learn not to trust whoever shared this uncritically in the first place because they're an idiot.

edit to add: not a dig at u/Ryv0n at all. The blind sharing without at least trying to verify some of it is the problem, not asking "I've seen this a couple times. anyone know more?"


Ryv0n OP t1_j7qaxp4 wrote

I perfectly understand dude dw. My fist instinct upon seeing the post was to try and dig up some sources but nothing came up. Then I tried to track the post down back to the original owner but all responses were “I just screen shotted it idk.” Goes to show how little it takes to convince people these days.


[deleted] t1_j7rl8dt wrote



Ryv0n OP t1_j7rrya0 wrote

Well, if you can read, you can see that I didn’t reinforce the claim. Instead I expressed confusion and asked for clarification.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j7rsn30 wrote

If someone tried to vaguebook and ask about this, there'd be like 5-10 comments that would be people asking for an explanation of what the post was referring to.

Meanwhile, of the hundreds of people (if not more) who see this post, the majority are going to see a lot of very sensible comments dismissing the original claim with some simple logic.


Marsitivity t1_j89ttga wrote

Bro afraid of questions 💀 Oh no someone asked a question therefore they're spreading information Like huh-???


Electrical-Arachnid t1_j7taxqa wrote

Yet many Americans, even when confronted with their ignorance will wave it off as "well if it could save a life what does it matter?" We are living in a time in American history where a it is considered better to be blatantly wrong with your heart in supposedly the right place than it is to be 100% correct with evidence against a popular narrative.