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RhodyViaWIClamDigger OP t1_j7fairv wrote

May I also inquire, if they have a pickup/delivery driver? You see, like my reflection in this mirror it is heavy and awkward - I would shatter it going solo. Certainly the best in the business would accept additional fees from me for providing this service? I could call but I like their rhyming Reddit rep better, for now.


alohaHappycampers t1_j7rlbph wrote

The voice boomed like thunder, full of strength and courage. "I am He-Man, delivery driver of legand from Providence Picture Frame,". With mighty roar, He-Man lifted his hefty sword to the sky, as lightning crackled all around him, he proclaimed in defening, god-like roar, "By the powers of Grayskull! Iiii HAAAVE THA POOWWWAA!"
"Fear not, fair Ashley, Your mirror shall be delivered with the utmost care. Valentines Day, you shall have your mirror!
However, up high in the towering Castle Grayskull, the evil Skeletor was watching the scene with a snickering grin on his bony face. "Ha ha ha!" he cackled. "He-Man may think he has the power, but I will throw a monkey wrench into his plans! This Valentine's Day delivery shall not go as smoothly as he thinks!"
And with a wicked laugh, Skeletor disappeared into the shadows of the castle, his evil schemes already in motion. The tale fades to black as the fate of He-Man and the Ashley’s Valentine's Day mirror hung in the balance…