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tinymonesters t1_j5kbjj8 wrote

"All four suspects were arrested on charges of harassment by physical contact"

Not nearly strong enough of a charge. That's a summary offense. They'll get $300 fines for throwing animal urine on a person and vandalism. Littering has a higher penalty.


SunstruckMorning t1_j5kw7tx wrote

What??? This is assault.


tinymonesters t1_j5kxh7x wrote

Yes, it very clearly is. I'd consider that well above the level of assault personally, since they used a weapon of sorts.


BaboonHorrorshow t1_j5l24lj wrote

Sucks but gold Ol’ boys protect their own and it’s possible these guys were HS friends with some of the cops in town.

The woman should take them to the cleaners in civil suits


CltAltAcctDel t1_j5l79y2 wrote

Harassment in PA law is a form of assault. To charge Simple Assault there needs to be bodily injury or attempt to cause bodily injury. Assuming this is deer urine that was purchased and not drawn from a rotting corpse, I don’t think there’s a risk of bodily injury.


jailor_serry t1_j5l6kot wrote

It’s actually battery.


SunstruckMorning t1_j5l7w9b wrote

What’s the difference?


jailor_serry t1_j5l8f73 wrote

Assault is essentially the “act” of harming someone without physical contact. Battery is physical contact causing harm.

In this situation, if the people had a bottle of “deer urine” and pretended like they were throwing it, that’s assault. Physically throwing it and making contact is battery.


30686 t1_j5lg37a wrote

Not according to the Pennsylvania Crimes Code.

Offensive physical contact is assault.

Simple assault, 18 Pa.C.S. 2701, includes "attempts to cause or intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causes bodily injury to another." "Aggravated assault" in Pennsylvania, 18 Pa.C.S. 2702, basically involves serious bodily harm or an attempt to do so.

There is no separate crime of battery in Pennsylvania. "Battery" is subsumed in the assault statutes. Other states may have different laws on assault and some do have a distinct crime of "battery."

"Battery" traditionally means an offensive physical contact, and is basically a civil tort concept. If I punch you in the face in Pennsylvania, I will face a criminal assault charge, and you can file a civil lawsuit for money damages, based on battery.


reverendsteveii t1_j5l8i33 wrote

Depending on which statutes are in play assault often covers things that don't necessarily require physical contact with the victim, and has a lesser penalty. Battery is when you do actually make physical contact with the victim and carries stiffer penalties.


SnooRevelations9889 t1_j5oef0u wrote

Just because they are holding them on one charge doesn’t mean more charges are not pending.

They are likely still gathering evidence. Interviewing everyone, etc.

And a little technical error can get a charge thrown out.


TheWorldInMySilence t1_j5kgqmy wrote

I agree. They should be doing laundry in a prison for a month. Home at night on house arrest and laundry all day long. And probation for a year with some community work cleaning up streets.


AFD_0 t1_j5kv2vy wrote

Maybe a little cruel and unusual, but they should each be forced to chug a jar of deer piss or serve 3 months in jail. Their choice.


stuckonsometrain t1_j5n9ews wrote

I don't know. They're 18 and a 20 year olds, it was a spray of synthetic deer urine.

I have nothing against the charge and would much rather see some sort of community service over any financial or time punishments.