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EmperorOfNada t1_j5gt2g5 wrote

Here’s a guy who probably throws thousands away every day in his own bathroom.


Olive_Mediocre t1_j5gulxn wrote

Wow. That's like...6-8 times the cost of sperm that's been washed and tested. No deal. Damn.


Allemaengel t1_j5gxv97 wrote

Sigh, that's the Pennsyltucky I call home.

I like the peace and solitude but it gets a little cringey now and then, lol.


Outrageous-Divide472 OP t1_j5gyi10 wrote

I like to think my fellow Pennsylvanians are normal, then I see something like this.


mwwwaaahahaha t1_j5gzn8o wrote

Was this taken on York or Lancaster County? I saw this vehicle about a month ago on Route 30.


artful_todger_502 t1_j5h0bfi wrote

"Not responsible for any genetic mutations related to long-term inbreeding that may or may not be present in sample"


lawngoon t1_j5h0yah wrote

When I was a young adult, people like this would yell “buy American “


MaineDreaming t1_j5h1pqk wrote

I think it’s funny that a lot of these “I’m not vaxxed” or “pure blood” morons all likely received childhood vaccines.


GoubD t1_j5h34ug wrote

JFC. These shit-birds.


No_Suggestion1524 t1_j5h4ka0 wrote

Someone is trying to start something with Ham-ahoy from the map post 🤣🤣


zeseam t1_j5h5vmz wrote

That's way way too expensive. Need far cheaper unvaxed sperm for my male automixis anti-viral reproductive clone experiments.


reddit_1999 t1_j5h7zwi wrote

I wouldn't give you 35 cents for this guy's genetically inferior "pappy/brother" spunk.


Allemaengel t1_j5h9ybc wrote

Well, I've long since gotten used to ignoring the Trump signs and flags and focusing on my wood splitting for the stove, my gardens, chicken coop and apple trees instead.

Also I enjoy all the wildlife I have here.

It's a worthwhile tradeoff for me


myrealusername8675 t1_j5hagh3 wrote

My IQ is 90. That's an A -, you have to admit that's pretty good for a guy who didn't graduate high school.


ashleyorelse t1_j5hap84 wrote

Plot twist: This guy wants to buy the sperm and is offering $3500 per load.

Or at least, it would be great to walk up to him and presume that's true.

Hey, buddy, about your sign...I think mine are worth a little more, but sure, I'll sell you a load for $3500...


DrunksInSpace t1_j5hb3an wrote

Shit, I never vaccinated any of my loads either (except the kids)… I’m gonna undercut him by $500 and flood the market.


Allemaengel t1_j5hcznf wrote

Well, it's disappointing but I grew up in just such a place and I long since learned to keep my distance and keep my politics to myself.

My neighbors seem to like me and will help me when I need it as I would for them.


Jumpy-Natural4868 t1_j5hgaqe wrote

Spoiler alert: Dude is 75 and only delivers said sperm "in person"


Cramdit t1_j5hgrge wrote

Well at least it didn't say Florida man lol


mes213 t1_j5hgwop wrote

Could probably raise more money for a vasectomy.


Tr0gd0r17 t1_j5hlv4z wrote

This is completely fucking ridiculous. You have no idea how much this pisses me off. I paid a different guy $50,000. God damn it.


HogwartsKate t1_j5hmx2q wrote

Surprised he doesnt have testicles hanging from truck.


Stonecutter_12-83 t1_j5hpoko wrote

Cheaper to fly to a third world country and just catch measles there


goplantagarden t1_j5htgjj wrote

<guy with giant gut seen unloading himself from vehicle>


gdex86 t1_j5hvwbk wrote

Try living in that stretch.

Our fun family stories include when grandma turned her shotgun on the klan (it's actually a great story because my grandma was awesome but just when my mom dad and uncle were talking that came as a shock).


Teonanacatlbruh t1_j5hwkaz wrote

At least he'll be packin the day the vax police come after him.


mydogsnameisbuddy t1_j5hyoqh wrote

I wonder if he has a volume discount. Like what’s the price for a five gallon bucket?


JennItalia269 t1_j5hyxhl wrote

There’s a sucker born every minute.

And he’s hoping to meet a dozen or so of them.


silverbull-it t1_j5hzytl wrote

That dude is cheap, I'm getting $9,800/load. I guess I know how to market better.


Allemaengel t1_j5i2lxp wrote

Spent some time up your way and that sure sounds about right.

I'm on a surprising cold hilltop considering it's not Northern Tier here in the western Poconos with a woodstove and endless free firewood all over so splitting wood year-round is a thing.


Sea-Lab-7807 t1_j5i2tka wrote

This guy thinks this increases his chance of getting some? 😬


Incrarulez t1_j5i4o07 wrote

Sign for that on 422w in sinking spring about .3 miles from the spring house that juts into the highway near the sunoco.

If I ever attend I'll bring a sashimi platter and dress festively.


Plasmakid47 t1_j5igjhr wrote

Wait is that at the Target in Exton?

Edit- yes, I believe it is.


whyadamwhy t1_j5ik0ub wrote

How does that vehicle not have balls hanging on the hitch?


skipperoniandcheese t1_j5io3bg wrote

You know if this is just some loon being, you know, themselves, it’s sad. If this is someone capitalizing on the loons and knows exactly what they’re doing, it’s genius.


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j5iwgh8 wrote

Imagine this was your dad or brother, or even any relative or anyone you knew driving around in this thing.


LibraOnTheCusp t1_j5jbjbt wrote

Delco native here, moved to NW Montco in 2002. My family back in Delco still cannot believe how different things get once one passes over the Montco/Berks county line.

When I told/showed them how common Confederate flags and iconography are in areas just 15 minutes from my house, they’re horrified.


DamonRunnon t1_j5jcm2y wrote

You know, there ought to be a law against this and another against "F***" - insert name" signs. Have we lost all standards? And "owning the libs" - what is that supposed to mean in any real world?


RG1527 t1_j5jembv wrote

its missing the I Eat Ass sticker(s)


30686 t1_j5jfhjp wrote

Why cover the license number? He obviously wants to be noticed. Probably WANKER1


redditposter919 t1_j5jn6sl wrote

Not even a phone number to call? Guy doesn't know the first thing about business.


NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j5k42va wrote

Bro, Democrats do dumb shit, too (There's the MAGA-hats and the vag-hats). And you pretending that the original, actual patriots don't love their country is one of the most asinine tidbits of misguided Reddit wisdom I've ever stumbled upon. Be real, dude.

Edit: Uh oh, someone would rather block me than have a real talk that might open their little eyes lol Imagine the irony of a username "Flimsy Lie" as he touts GOP folks being the only dumb ones lmao

Edit for u/dirtypawscub who got to reply some garbage but to whom I can't reply (Is a moderator that asshurt or what??) Children scared by scary words. Pathetic. You don't get to say what someone else loves. I'm sorry, you don't have that power.


IrresponsibleScience t1_j5k4oeh wrote

I disagree on oppressing peoples opinions. Even if they are vulgar and full of hate or implied hate.

The leadership of our political parties have really failed to be good leaders and good people and it’s pretty sad the state the world is in as a result.


BrooklynFlower54 t1_j5k6mse wrote

I can only imagine what he looks like, especially since he has to GIVE AWAY his sperm! Hard pass!


CatsAreTheBest2 t1_j5k9iw5 wrote

What the fuck is wrong with people? These idiots do realize that all the people that they listen to about not taking vaccines have been vaccinated, including Trump.


Grouchy-Estimate-756 t1_j5kahi8 wrote

Records search via license plate for phone number:$10

Paint marker: $5

Writing phone number on bathroom walls with advertisement from vehicle: free

Outcome (pun): priceless


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j5kgoa9 wrote

He spent around $50K on a Nissan, so he's already failed the intelligence test.


[deleted] t1_j5kub8t wrote

Lol ok bud. It’s not like industry “leaders” initially admitted it alters your DNA then changed their tune to fit the narrative, Yea that didn’t happen.

Go get another jab…how about a 6th safe and effective jab.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j5kv53c wrote

> It’s not like industry “leaders” initially admitted it alters your DNA

lol no they didn't. Quit reading conspiracy theory websites.
> Go get another jab…how about a 6th safe and effective jab.

If you live in Pennsylvania you had to get ~16 different vaccinations to enter primary school. No one made a big deal about that because your masters didn't tell you to get mad about it.


[deleted] t1_j5l439h wrote

Or… just hear me..or because I was a baby and couldn’t articulate that I didn’t want a bunch of foreign substances shot into my body. Wow you need to open your eyes.

Can’t believe people really buy into all this bs the government is telling you. Grow up


pizzapantifa t1_j5ld61u wrote

You seem to have misspelled my name. It's "Pizza Pan Tifa" I know those three words seem scary when you put them together because of how big it makes my name, but we can break words down and sound them out to make things easier.

Hope this helps! :)


Acceptable_Land3333 t1_j5m6aar wrote

Ok. I understand that this person must have ridden the short bus to school so I shouldn't be surprised by this.

BUT.... is he or she buying or selling, what will it be used for? (Got to ask these questions, people are into some real kinky shit nowadays), will they be using a turkey baster or will be the good old... yinz go ahead man, she's all yours, I'm going to the bar and watch the Stiller's game?


tribow8 t1_j5mi2sn wrote

it fucks with me so much cause I have the same car same color. boutta get the same decal so we can be twinsies


fallser t1_j5n0dzp wrote

I’m embarrassed as a PA resident seeing this. Just how trashy can you be? There’s no bottom…


2deaddogs t1_j6gkk86 wrote

Nope don't think they would only MAGA scum would think it's funny. He must he buying it nothing else makes any sense. If he was selling it then whom to? No one but Maga scum would be interested and they're non vaxed too so he must be l running low on his protein shakes and needs a new supply.


Critter0221 t1_j6gqai1 wrote

Damn. Ur what’s wrong with humanity. Splitting up people or hating people because of political stance. Shits childish as all hell. I’m not even talking about the politics side of it cuz idc what u believe. We’re all humans and this is America which is the definition of freedom so u can believe what u want and think ur right and i can believe what i want and think I’m right. Without debate there wouldn’t be good conversation in the world ya know