Submitted by Deacon_Blues1 t3_10i6oyy in Pennsylvania

I filed back on Dec 17th. Still have not received any payment. Got my letter saying I qualified also have a PT job which I claimed hours, but everything says In Progress. Are they this backed up? I even have emailed local Reps. I start a new FT jon on the 30th, but I still feel as though I should be paid for those weeks where I was unemployed. Anyone have any tips or issues they have encountered before? Just at a loss, and contacting them is not happening.



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TSUTigers95 t1_j5cp4gw wrote

I filed the end of December, I haven’t had any problems. Have you tried calling them to find out what’s going on? Are there any messages in your dashboard?


Deacon_Blues1 OP t1_j5cprse wrote

Dashboard says in Progress and calling just give me the busy line. It is not the end of the world. I did get a lump sum severance which I claimed, and they did DQ me the week I received the severance. It is just three weeks I was unemployed. My severance waas for 18 weeks, so maybe that is why I am unable to claim?


TSUTigers95 t1_j5cq0w0 wrote

Unfortunately you need to call them. You have to keep calling and calling. I called the 1500 times in a two day period. I just kept hitting redial. Once you get through, put your phone on speaker and go do something, you have at least an hour wait once you are connected. I used to clean the house while I was on hold.


phillygq1961 t1_j5cwjui wrote

Call the local office of your state senator and explain the situation and that youve not heard from them. That's the only way they got moving with my claim.


sandmanrdv t1_j5d7g0f wrote

Severance determination needs to done by an Examiner. Sounds like your severance may have exceeded the threshold where it can delay receipt of benefits. For a claim filed in 2022 that would have been around $22k.

You said you filed on 12/17. What was you actual last day of work? UC’s weeks are a calendar week. If your last day was 12/16 and you applied 12/17 then your application date is Sunday of that week or 12/11. You were disqualified that week because you worked full time.

Week ending 12/24 would be your unpaid waiting week, but not if your severance was over the threshold.


Deacon_Blues1 OP t1_j5d8kjr wrote

That makes sense my severance was high. It was over $22K. Last day was 12/17, that week I received the severance and claimed it on unemployment. Since then though I have been unable to claim. I have paid into it for years, I feel as though I should be able to claim minus my part time job, but it is not the end of the world. I have just never been in this situation. Thanks for your help, you cleared somethings up.


LookinToHomestead t1_j5d9r54 wrote

PA Career Link has one or two days per week or every two weeks, where an employee from the state unemployment office is physically in one of their offices. You can call the Career Link and find out what days and schedule an appointment or a call. I just had to do this exact thing a few months ago…14 weeks, no payment. I called and called, no answer, no call back. I emailed and emailed, no response. I mentioned I haven’t been paid while on a call with Career Link and they had me hooked up with a call with an unemployment rep and problem solved within a week (soonest a rep would be in their office, he took care of everything on the phone call).


sandmanrdv t1_j5d9umc wrote

Severance delay is a math formula. That link explains how it works. You need your gross severance and your normal weekly gross wage. Let’s say your severance was $40k. First thing is subtract the threshold amount for that year so $40k-$22k = $18k. The $18k is the deductible severance value. You divide that by your normal weekly gross, let’s say $2k. $18k/$2k= 9 week severance delay. In the example that claimant would not be eligible for benefits during the first 9 weeks they were unemployed, the 10th week would be the unpaid waiting week, the 11th week would be the first payable week.


PPQue6 t1_j5da1fl wrote

This! This is the exact reason why state reps/senators have local offices. Plus if enough people are getting a hold of them maybe they'll get the hint that the PAUC system sucks.


Diabetic_Demon11 t1_j5df055 wrote

You could directly call them. The number you Google is not the correct number (at least not in my experience.) the number you’ll call is 888-313-7284. Be aware, you’ll be waiting to get ahold of someone for at least an hour and depending on who you get it will be at least another hour. I was on the phone last week for 3-1/2 hours. Good luck!!


TSUTigers95 t1_j5eel13 wrote

There should be a form you can print out I believe it you may want to keep track yourself. Are you registered for that part? I don’t have to do the job search because I have a recall date, and that exempts you from the job search requirement


tbarnett19124 t1_j5ettnb wrote

Good luck, I was terminated on time and attendance. For being late or absent 26 times In Almost 5 years. This was in September. I didn't hear from them so I reached out to my local rep. And got a response back from unemployment saying it was denied. I wasn't on any paperwork for attendance, plus I had just came back from STD dealing with them! I was late the day I was terminated because the signs where on the wall. And I had a anxiety attack. So now I'm in appeal and my date is next week. All this time maxed out my credit cards paying my bills.


No-Professional-1884 t1_j5fczvu wrote

Honestly, at this point I’d be calling local news stations. UEC has been totally screwed since the pandemic (I know this personally… 🙄) and hasn’t improved.

Let the bastards in Harrisburg start explaining their incompetence to the people.

Best of luck.


Type1paleobetic t1_j5g1ncu wrote

They have been overwhelmed since COVID happened and our unemployment rate skyrocketed. Also, be aware that the postal service is ridiculous lately, and notices that were sent are taking 15+ days to get to folks, especially with holidays.


RatRob t1_j5gendt wrote

Man, good luck. I only just got back payment from last February due to a Benefit Payment Control Audit. Absolute shit show. I didn’t even bother to file for this winter when I’m laid off.

Are you using the online portal? Does it show anything in your claim as open issues? They do keep a week or two as a waiting period so you don’t actually get your first payment.


steelcityrocker t1_j5lvipp wrote

What County are you located in?

Im in Allegheny and my unemployment approval was pending for literal months. I emailed my state rep's office after the, they called the next day, they had me on the phone with someone from unemployment the day after that, and I was payed 10 business days after that. I didnt receive my payment until after I found employment, but I still got it.

Other than emailing you state rep (again), my biggest tip is to keep putting in your certification because even though you are starting a new job on 1/30, you're still unemployed. Anything can happen between now and then, so keep putting in applications.


steelcityrocker t1_j5lw1mq wrote

While they do have a form that you can use, you can use literally anything to keep track. I kept a Google Spreadsheet with the job and link to the posting, application date, and any interview dates.