Submitted by davcross t3_10d0z9p in Pennsylvania

When will the election boards provide a web site that you can go to to see what they counted as your vote.

This could be done and still keep your vote private to you only. Each ballot would be given a globally unique ID number. This number would be on your receipt and the ballot only.

The web site would allow you to enter this number and the zip code are precinct you live in. This would show what you cast as your vote.

My concern is not about who won, but giving credibility to the votes cast.




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ljflintstone t1_j4j6q07 wrote

What on flat Earth are you babbling on about?


SunOutrageous6098 t1_j4j9jc6 wrote

The deniers would still say it was rigged.

Ballots have been anonymous in America since 1891 and have been used in elections going back to Ancient Greece. The system is not broken and there is NO PROOF ANYWHERE that votes are not being recorded correctly.

Precincts can have multiple zip codes. Not everyone is America has internet access.

Let’s stop trying to fix problems that don’t exist and only matter to an extremely small group of people.


poodog13 t1_j4jepsv wrote

This is a solution in need of a problem.


sx70forlifexx t1_j4j1a3x wrote

Lmao seriously give up you lost


davcross OP t1_j4m7wnd wrote

Sorry I voted for the winner


Ukelikely_Not t1_j4md9mz wrote

Statement unclear.

Edit to add: unclear because Trumpers claim trump won, votes counted say biden won.


basement-thug t1_j4yas13 wrote

Winning is defined as who got the most votes. Not who claims they won. We grew out of that kind of behavior around what, 4th grade? Like the whole claiming you won when you lost is about the most fundamentally childish thing you can do.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j4jpecv wrote

You can check voter records online? You just can’t tell who they voted for. So you can look up yourself through your county government website, find voter records or search for it, enter your own name. BAM! Exact thing you are talking about.


IamSauerKraut t1_j4lr9ge wrote

I read it as OP wants to see if his vote was counted exactly as he cast it. Seems reasonable but is the false foundation of all these election lawsuits.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j4lrst1 wrote

I don’t see why we don’t vote using social sec numbers. But if that is what OP is suggesting, that he believes his vote is being miscounted by not showing who he voted for through the records then OP has already lost faith in the Democratic process. Allowing others to see how you vote, not if you vote, opens a pandora box of problems. Least of which is harassment by opposition.


IamSauerKraut t1_j4luuwg wrote

>I don’t see why we don’t vote using social sec numbers

Privacy issues. We could be assigned voter ID numbers when registering but I believe OP is asking for much more than that. If he cannot remember who he voted for, that's his problem.


davcross OP t1_j4mol08 wrote

It's not who I voted for, it's matching the picture of my ballot to how it was counted, while not tieing it to any person for security purposes. It's about proving votes are being counted 1 vote at a time, regardless of the party counting them


IamSauerKraut t1_j4mvybi wrote

>It's not who I voted for, it's matching the picture of my ballot to how it was counte

Same thing, non? "the picture of your ballot" shows exactly who you voted for.


jvhgh t1_j4nk02d wrote

They mean that they voted for candidate A and want to make sure it went through as candidate A and not candidate B.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_j4u1bqo wrote

The party counting them? It’s a machine. It doesn’t have a party affiliation.

The machines are tested before they are used on Election Day and that testing is open to the public. Go watch it for yourself.

Then, after Election Day, the results are audited using two separate auditing methods to ensure the machines were working correctly & that votes are being awarded to candidates correctly.

Literally could not be more transparent. You just have to put in a modicum of effort and talk to the people who work in your county election office. They don’t want to go to jail and most don’t even care who wins.


susinpgh t1_j4w0w58 wrote

The application to register does require ID. They ask for your PA ID number. If you don't have that, they ask for the last 4 digits of tour SS#.

FYI, your SS# is required in order to get a PA ID.

In 2021, the PA GOP wanted to hand over all of the voter registration roles to a third party vendor. One of the greatest objections was that it would expose the SS# of every registered voter in the state.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j4w1r5h wrote

I’m aware of that. I have my voter registration which has a voter id number which is tied to my drivers license number which again is tied to my ss number. That’s 3 degrees of separation and honestly not necessarily needed. In a different comment elsewhere on this thread I addressed that you can in fact see if your vote was counted just not towards who.


susinpgh t1_j4w30ba wrote

My point was that it was already associated with your SS#, and using it for an ID is extremely risky.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j4w3twc wrote

Using SS# as an ID for Government Voting is risky? Only if a third party is involved with personal data. Other countries have implemented electronic voting with security measures greater than paper ballots. The only reason that has not progressed here is because Republicans have an active interest in keeping voter turnout low among the demographics that don’t support conservative views.


susinpgh t1_j4w4bd3 wrote

Yes, I think there's a lot of risk involved in tying your votes to your SS#. Instead, your registration could easily be assigned a voter ID number, which wouldn't be as big an issue.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j4w4w5u wrote

My reasoning for ss as voter id is just that it will be extremely hard to commit fraud against that system. Voter fraud is still a major issue and it does seem to lean heavily into right wingers, who also have a vested interest in suppressing opposing voters. And this same right wing is the one calling for third party companies to monitor votes, same right wing refusing to update an old method of voting for no reason other than “muh tradition.” The only way I can see to effectively counter that is the ss as voter id.


susinpgh t1_j4w5mpl wrote

I don't agree that voter fraud is a major issue. I don't see how using your SS# instead of a unique number makes it any more secure.


Careless_Zombie_5437 t1_j4iybml wrote

Do that and someone will find a way to hack it and use the info to target people who do not vote for their candidate. Trump and his goons have people making an issue out of something that is not.


Guntcher1423 t1_j4j0k8o wrote

What good would that do? The only reason it is an issue is because the trumpsuckers are pushing the lie. How did I know my vote was counted back in 1992? I trusted that the people involved in running the election did a good job and wanted the election to be honest. That is all we got.


davcross OP t1_j4m8786 wrote

In 1992 I would have trusted people also. Not so much today


Guntcher1423 t1_j4mc7jz wrote

There is that, but I don't see that any state run verification of my vote will mean anything if the people doing it cannot be trusted in the first place.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_j4u1nuf wrote

There’s no proof that they can’t be trusted. Isn’t a core value of American society “innocent until proven guilty”? What Election Director in Pennsylvania was charged with tampering or a similar crime since the new voting systems that the Trump Admin demanded were put in place?


Guntcher1423 t1_j4vcmll wrote

I agree. But why then are all the people questioning the validity of the election trumpsters?


SunOutrageous6098 t1_j4vvn6w wrote

Cognitive dissonance. They’re being confronted with the fact that the majority of Americans did not think Trump was the greatest President ever and he- their idol- is telling them repeatedly that there was fraud. They’re being lead to believe that something they wanted was being taken away from them - and that message is repeated with every agenda item. Immigrants are taking your jobs. The Woke Agenda is taking your children. Big Toilet Paper caused the pandemic.

They’re eating a steady diet of anger, fear and outrage.


str8outtaconklin t1_j4jahwg wrote

I’d prefer a website listing everyone who believes that machines using paper ballots can be hacked through the internet to “change votes” so then I don’t have to waste time in any conversation realizing they are intellectually deficient and highly gullible….like a prospect list for scammers and cult leaders.


spicynuggies t1_j4jullk wrote

You have access to your voting record online....


IamSauerKraut t1_j4lreh5 wrote

Only has access to the act of voting, not the "who did I vote for."


spicynuggies t1_j4luorz wrote

because who you vote for is private known only to you....this is in the constitution


DBEuro t1_j4keizh wrote

You can check everything


davcross OP t1_j4m7q4h wrote

You cannot check who you voted for or even that you voted from what I see


Benanov t1_j4tulue wrote

Let me explain WHY.

Your employer says you lose your job if you don't vote for Candidate A. You're voting for Candidate B.

Someone who works in another department wants a promotion - for whatever reason. If they can prove you voted for Candidate B, they can get you fired and take your position.

So they impersonate you and prove to your boss that you voted for B. You lose your job.

Sure you can sue, you can get them arrested...doesn't matter. You still lost your job.


Shit like this actually happened in America.


davcross OP t1_j5d9qcv wrote

Where does this happen? That is BS


DBEuro t1_j4mfwfo wrote

You can see that you voted, that the county received it and that your vote was recorded but it will not show the parties you voted for…security reasons. Next election Check the election ballot status after voting. I don’t think it will work now we are 90 days away.


WildWilly2001 t1_j4kzuqz wrote

Good lord, only right-wingers need solutions to problems that don’t exist. SMH


davcross OP t1_j4m4r9o wrote

Are you saying democrats never question the vote?



No-Setting9690 t1_j4lo4mj wrote

You think it would stay private? Everything is breached nowadays. I don't see how the dots could not be put together.

Why not just create a town hall and we can all just raise our hands for who we vote for? /s


IamSauerKraut t1_j4lrpmd wrote

How they do it in some New England states, although the more populated towns will vote for Town Meeting members who discuss and vote on the issues. Becomes unwieldy when too many people show up.


No-Setting9690 t1_j4lt6ws wrote

I was sarcastic with it. Sure would work in small numbers. You see like NYC doing that. 5million people holding up their hands. Now keep them up, we're still counting. lol

Hard to have transparency and privacy at the same time. I know this is unheard of in the gov't, but what if we all worked together for the best possible solution? haha


PM_ME_YOUR_FLAIR t1_j4nj14w wrote

Because ballots are secret and should remain so.


davcross OP t1_j4pdxny wrote

This process would still keep them secret, but build individual trust they were counted correctly


Benanov t1_j4tur8h wrote

Computers are amazingly good at copying information. They are not so good at copying information for only a few people to see.