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OccasionallyImmortal t1_j49cx90 wrote

It is nearly impossible to be fired for incompetence. People in a position to improve tools and processes can stonewall those improvements until they retire because they like what they know. A friend of mine works for the state and certain communications must be delivered by fax. Even basic services can be unavailable for months and no one will be replaced. One department had no network connection for 2 months which forced other departments to hand-deliver memos.

On the plus side, job security is almost guaranteed. On the down-side, this is true for every idiot you work with.


bitterbeerfaces t1_j49k2rn wrote

I have seen a lot of people fired for doing a shit job. Depends on the agency. If you have a good boss/ supervision stuff they will absolutely stay on top of bad employees. It takes a while but once you have a paper trail set up it's not that difficult to fire people.