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IamSauerKraut OP t1_j3en1yu wrote

Unfortunately, fraud appears to not be an "infamous crime" which would disqualify scrotum from holding public office; it does appear, however, that the kid gloves with which he was handled gave him the courage to step up his criminal behavior. Why the PA Nat'l Guard did not boot him at that point is something I do not understand.


CovidCat8 t1_j3igfo0 wrote

In an effort to correct the awful homecoming that Vietnam vets received, I think we have gone overboard with our reverence for folks in the military. Not everyone who wears a uniform wears it honorably, and we have seen solid, recent evidence of that with Perry (and Mastriano). I can’t imagine that Perry would have gotten away with his earlier fraud AND risen through the ranks in the Nat’l Guard had someone not stepped in somewhere along the line. It’s like bro code.