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tim0767 t1_j2yl9an wrote

Looks like you have moles


bdschuler t1_j2yli2i wrote

Burn your house to the ground and pour salt all over the ground. Sorry to say, but your house appears to be infested with lovely Rabbits.

Sure.. rabbits are nice to look at and lovely.. but say goodbye to any carrots in your area.

Just kidding.. but yeah.. I got a ton of those myself and they are always rabbits. But it is possible it is something else... but my money is on Rabbits.

P.s. If you see a baby rabbit.. try to control your emotions.. they are so amazingly cute they can make you want to scream.


malepitt t1_j2yq408 wrote

We may need a banana, for scale.


WeathersFine t1_j2ys542 wrote

Dachshunds do a great job at hunting voles if you want a dog


axeville t1_j2ysg63 wrote

Milky spore is a biological agent that kills grubs and harmless to animals and humans. Once the grubs are gone the critters will move on looking for food.


sirfuzzitoes t1_j2yt14u wrote

If you can pull the grass back and see a little dug-out den, its a rabbit. If it's a true hole, it could be a vole, mole, or any number of burrowing varmint. I don't have anything for scale but it does not look like a groundhog.

I've run over more baby rabbits with my lawnmower than I'd prefer but it's hard to tell if it's one of their dens.


MomsSpecialFriend t1_j2yvav0 wrote

If you have the space for it, consider adopting a rat terrier from a rescue. They will solve the problem happily.


haroldhabanero t1_j2yzjyg wrote

Was going to comment the same thing. My parents had them growing up as a kid. One summer, I spent as much time peeing on the voles' grass paths as much as possible b/c I heard the scent keeps them away. Ah memories.


42ThrowAway1707 t1_j2z4ak9 wrote

I live in Maryland and we have them too. It’s from Voles. They are pretty harmless and so long as you don’t can about the little holes, not a problem. This year we had a lot of them and my neighbor was hell bent that he was going to eradicate them. He’s a dumbass. Just leave em be and they will move on once they have eaten all the roots they want.


amtrak308taz t1_j2z5xf0 wrote

Pour Frank's hot sauce down the holes. It kills sand wasps. I think it should make them move


IamSauerKraut t1_j2z7068 wrote

Voles, moles, white-footed field mice or squirrels looking for their nuts.


xAsroilu t1_j2z8y2v wrote

Looks like a rabbit hole. How deep does it go?


PatientNice t1_j2z9xzs wrote

My Jack Russell terrier was once called for Voletending. Always left them on the deck.


alaxsxaq t1_j2zceqf wrote

I have a "natural" yard and there are loads of grubs. Something digs a lot of small holes in my yard during the warmer months and I always attributed it to skunks digging for the grubs.


Allemaengel t1_j2zcwr0 wrote

Skunks looking for Japanese beetle grubs?


[deleted] t1_j2zi0g4 wrote

likely voles, i have them at my property. essentially blind rodents if i am not mistaken.


J_tman t1_j2zvsco wrote

I had that issue once and it was skunks looking for grubs.. but I have also heard of squirrels doing that digging up nuts


mrs-fleetman t1_j2zwooj wrote

It's 100% a squirrel. I have them all over my yard (in Eastern PA) and watch them digging around all the time.


PACubsFan23 t1_j302jzh wrote

Squirrels digging up the nuts they buried over the summer.


TaskMaster59 t1_j31t7jk wrote

It looks like a rabbit hole. I have rabbits in my backyard with holes like that.


IrisOpen t1_j323kxn wrote

My yard it’s usually skunks. Opossums may dig for stuff too.


rubikscanopener t1_j32b81g wrote

This. I had this exact same thing when we moved into our current place. We used milky spore and it cleared by the next season. That lasted for at least ten years before I had to do it again. Works like a champ.


axeville t1_j32cmv9 wrote

Good point that it's not instant fix like grubEx but less chemicals in your life.

Grubs eat roots of grass wo you knowing so the brown spots on your lawn are probably grubs underneath vs a problem with the grass itself.


PSCCARDS1 t1_j32t5e0 wrote

Made voles, they also leave tunnels just under the surface. Also some snakes are under ground too.


internetonsetadd t1_j361wto wrote

Could be voles, or any number of animals looking for a meal - grubs, worms, buried nuts, whatever. You can try to reduce the grub population.

GrubEx is quite targeted at grubs, but I'm not comfortable using it because my property is near a municipal well. I use some products but only if I know they have low soil mobility or degrade soon after contact with soil/sunlight/water.

For grubs there's also milky spore and beneficial nematodes. I tried the latter and I'm not sure it had any effect. Ideally they will carry on doing their thing for some time, so I'll see if my yard is dug up come spring.


Willing_Category1331 t1_j36wjba wrote

I have holes like that in my yard. I'm damn near certain that it's from this squirrel I keep seeing burying stuff in my yard


DJBeachCops t1_j3gbw9g wrote

Ruuuuuuuuuun! It's an exploding mole-snake hole! A mole-snake is neither a mole nor a snake nor does it explode. nor should you run because running sets it off. And it's venomous.