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unenlightenedgoblin t1_j6g2lmq wrote

Is this a good use of taxpayer dollars?


JetSetDynasty t1_j6gacgd wrote

From the article:

>Pittsburgh Public Schools solicitor Ira Weiss called the proposed litigation “appropriate action to take.” The proposed lawsuit would seek to recover increased costs associated with therapies, learning loss, counseling and other mental health services.

>He said there will not be a cost to the district because one of the law firms will be covering the upfront expenses.


IrrumaboMalum t1_j6gy16o wrote

Will the law firms also cover the costs when they lose in court?


30686 t1_j6kgpdw wrote

What would those costs be?


IrrumaboMalum t1_j6l5yeb wrote

You think lawyers work for free?

They'll want compensation, win or lose, for their time. And agreeing to covering the upfront expenses doesn't mean they are doing the entire case pro bono.

Plus there is the possibility that the losing party will also have to pay the legal expenses of the winning party (unsure of those particular laws here in PA). So not only could we, the taxpayers, be on the hook for the legal costs of the school districts - but also the legal costs of the social media platforms they are suing.


30686 t1_j6mkm4b wrote

I misunderstood the post. I thought it implied that the district's attorneys were handling the case on a contingent fee basis. "Upon further review," it just said they would cover the "upfront expenses," whatever they are. That's what my brain saw on a quick scan.