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AFD_0 t1_j1fzm71 wrote

Not sure why someone got a warning for doxxing here, but they literally tell you the guy's full name and address in the article.


jillianpikora OP t1_j1givdt wrote

There are legal nuances to reporting. The intent is also a factor, doxxing requires malicious intent which this is not. Giving the suspects block is pretty standard in journalism. It is also not a complete address, that combined with intent deems this not to be doxxing, especially since the suspect is currently in prison. Actually, the info reporters have is far more detailed and we leave things out such as the child's name, his current condition, the boy's mom's name etc. Also, in this case, other outlets and the police shared the same info. publicly. Just and FYI, since you pointed it out. :-) I hope you are having a great Friday and thanks for your time reading this and the article.


largeroastbeef t1_j1gjua2 wrote

I remember hearing of a case basically identical to this and honestly felt terrible to the mother. She was prescribed fentanyl patches which work for 3 days before the meds wear off then you throw away. Her child got into the trash and even tho the patches were basically empty it was enough to kill a child.

I understand being a drug user but a lot of high people don’t seem to treat there drugs the same way sober people treat bleach or any of the other dozens of things in a home that could kill an infant


AFD_0 t1_j1h3myd wrote

Good info, thanks! And wasn't really questioning whether it was right or wrong of the reporter to include such information in their article, but rather that someone here shouldn't be banned (or warned) for repeating the exact same information if found in the linked article.


One_Fox_6214 t1_j1je936 wrote

Lethal injection in a few have or may still use fentanyl as one of the injections as well as ketimene and other Anesthesic drugs.


rivershimmer t1_j1mu4ub wrote

Welcome. I'm against it too, but until it's overturned, it should be done humanely. There's some horror stories about botched executions, so I'm thinking fent might be an improvement.