Submitted by Mangoflavoredpeach t3_zq7aad in Pennsylvania

Hi! Has anybody had to add their newborn or child in general to their insurance plan through Pennie? I have Highmark and “edited my application” on Pennie to add my child’s info and basically all I have heard back is that he may be eligible for CHIP. He’s on my insurance legally for his first 30 days of life, which is approaching, and I’m just getting nervous and don’t want him to be without coverage. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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userX97ee2ska11qa t1_j0x5x13 wrote

CHIP is the answer.


axeville t1_j10i1qo wrote

Call the insurance company. The website and the insurance enrollment system is probably not connected as seamlessly as you would think. So a rep can easily add the newborn to the enrollment system and skip the website piece.


axeville t1_j10knib wrote

Also if you qualify for Chip take it and get the state to cover it.