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FaithlessnessCute204 t1_izfcvd9 wrote

1 the gas tax thing was actually Corbetts deal , he just made it start after he left . 2 for the psp issue wolf proposed alternatives to funding the psp but they get shot down by the repub house and senate, this year they paid more out of the general fund to keep them out of the gas tax funds


thenewtbaron t1_izgmqkr wrote

bet you forgot about Corbett, the republican governor... and the republican legislature upped the gas tax... and then the republican legislature decided not to fund republican counties saying "fuck the police" and decided not to pay for them

yeah bud. This state has had a fully republican legislature for all of the last 30 years save for like four, and a republican congress person for all those 30 years but 4 runs... .but yeah, it has got to be the minority party's fault... can't be the people you keep voting for.