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yeags86 t1_iykisrm wrote

Might want to read that rule again.


Phillysean23 t1_iykjjt5 wrote

Yup intentionally starting a fight.


yeags86 t1_iyklopo wrote

When I see a spade, I call it a spade. When I see a shit take, I call it a shit take. I’m not starting a fight by telling you that your comparison is absolutely meaningless and has no merit. I’m simply expressing that the comparison you made has no logic whatsoever to it.


Phillysean23 t1_iyks3e7 wrote

“When I see a spade I call it a spade.” Sounds like someone’s a little racist.


Hopeful_Scholar398 t1_iynj5zu wrote

Someone said spade and you thought "racial slur"?


Phillysean23 t1_iynjr4j wrote

Been busy trolling this sub lately?