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PatientNice t1_iwyx55f wrote

The DA prosecuted crimes. Unless you believe putting everyone in jail is the answer to reducing crime, there is no way it’s his fault. Since the US incarcerates more people per population than any other country, I happen to think putting people in jail is not the answer. It is so much more complicated. Political, social and economic failures are more at fault but as lazy Americans we want an easy answer. So blame Krasner. I don’t and the people elected him twice! So the Rs can go pack sand. Grandstanding yet again


stevez_86 t1_iwyy9ep wrote

That and the police refusing to work because they simply don't like that the DA doesn't give them carte blanche to do whatever they want.


dizzle_1212 t1_ixpmpqg wrote

Ok Then What’s you solution?


PatientNice t1_ixqdxgk wrote

I don’t necessarily have a solution but same ole, same ole obviously doesn’t work. So someone trying something different certainly can’t hurt. But when it’s a broken society (lack of opportunity, wealth gap, etc) we need better leaders. Unfortunately, we have too many do nothing Republicans.