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Vast-Support-1466 t1_ix7dcgc wrote

Disciplined or Terminated - those are the employers' sole options. Discipline means "write-up/ speech", Terminate is obvious. There is no punishment, in terms of forfeited wage, altered schedules, or reduced hours. Those would be true labor issues to consult a lawyer over. Exempt employees are salaried persons - so as long as you're hourly, it's your bet to wager whether you'll lose the job <immediately> or not. Generally speaking, in this scenario, you're needed by the employer. THAT being said, let's assume they hang on to you until after the busy season, and then terminate based on some other reason (bc the OT refusal would NOT hold up in court at that point) - Go back to the discipline part now - be very careful what you sign, acknowledge, or disagree with.

Tread lightly.


ggtt555 OP t1_ix7qbop wrote

I work very hard during my time there, do whatever i am asked of, and never talk back so tbh im not really to worried about being fired over it. Only a few people stay late usually so it’s not like im the one person refusing.