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P3as_And_Carrots t1_ivjfgux wrote

Never had that asked before, and wasn’t asked this time.


susinpgh t1_ivjfqfx wrote

I get asked for my street (but not house address) because several voting districts vote in the same polling place.


ZombiZeke t1_ivjgdzs wrote

What do you mean by confirm your address? Like look at the polling book and see that your name and address are the same before signing, or provide some sort of document to prove where you lived?


rogerjohnson11111 OP t1_ivjh3n6 wrote

I thought it meant to look at the polling book and confirm it was correct. When I leaned in, she was covering it and said I needed to state it. Then was given a ballot. No document needed.

Edit. After I said address, I was then allowed to sign and then was given my ballot.


Extreme_Length7668 t1_ivjhvrf wrote

my voting process:


My Name.........sign here, yup they match.


Here's your folio have a seat.


Scan your ballot here. Thank you for voting. Have a nice day.


Probably 2 minutes.


ZombiZeke t1_ivjinik wrote

Sheesh. Election rules require you look at the polling book and confirm your address. They don’t require the confirmation scenario OP described. No need for the dumb fucks stuff friend.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivjiu39 wrote

Have you worked polls before? I have and am tired of dumb ass snowflakes who can’t read rules because muh beliefs say I don’t read. Jfc you have the internet on your phone use it for once for something other the horse pill cures for COVID.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivjj3en wrote

Address verification at polls is to ensure that the voter is at the correct polling place the book was covered to prevent someone from using another name and address that isn’t theirs to vote illegally.


ZombiZeke t1_ivjjx32 wrote

No one is contesting that? OP specifically said that the poll worker asked for their name, poll worker found name, poll worker covered address from OP’s view and required they say the address to them before receiving the ballot. That is what is being discussed.

Read the OP’s posts. If you feel it’s fine, then so be it. But it’s abnormal for a worker to do this.


ruppy99 t1_ivjk7gg wrote

Probably someone has same name as you. Making sure they had correct person


CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivjkcxm wrote

No it’s perfectly legal. Op post states he was being challenged, address check is a challenge, which is legal and correct.

Can my right to vote be challenged?

Yes, but only for certain reasons and by certain people. An election official, poll watcher, or other voter may only challenge a voter on the grounds that the voter does not live in the precinct or the voter is not the person the voter says he or she is.

The voter may still vote normally by signing a challenge affidavit and producing a witness to vouch for him or her. Call the Election Protection Hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) if you need assistance.

hey look I used the internet to find what I was looking for

How hard was that everybody?


heaftyfella96 t1_ivjm1fd wrote

Pa does have a law for ID required the first time voting in a location, not that I agree.


ZombiZeke t1_ivjnrks wrote

Did you even read the source you gave?

“Yes, but only for certain reasons and by certain people. An election official, poll watcher, or other voter may only challenge a voter on the grounds that the voter does not live in the precinct or the voter is not the person the voter says he or she is.”

OP stated this was not the case for them. And you are blatantly overlooking the fact that the poll worker said to them “Its a new thing we are trying this year” Re-read the posts, re-read your own sources. Re-assess.


dtcstylez10 t1_ivjnytm wrote

I had to do it today bc I was at a new location. We moved last year so I'm now registered in my new county. Other than that, I've never been asked before.


31November t1_ivjo579 wrote

Are you calling me MAGA?

Also, I’m not offended or bothered by you. I’m telling you that you’re being an asshole.

Trolling is meant to offend or get an emotional reaction. You’re not getting that, so now you’re just being a dick, so I’m telling you to stop


CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivjojqj wrote

What do you mean? Ops address was challenged, the book was covered to prevent fraud, op answered the challenge and nothing further was needed from the election official. I’m not sure what part of that you’re not understanding.

Are you not understanding why the election official would ask for name and address?

Are you not understanding why that official covered the book?

Do you not understand what a challenge is in this context?

Help me understand what you think is wrong and I’ll explain how it was perfectly legal and correct.


ZombiZeke t1_ivjpi3x wrote

The context is he was challenged for no reason other than “We are trying something new this year.” That’s the context we were given. And I don’t know where you get the goose stepping angle from in your other replies. From what I can read, you and I are on the same side of this debate and you seem to be operating under the assumption that we are all “MAGA snowflakes”. The situation, as they described it, is odd. It’s noteworthy based on the election rules that even you posted here and that many of us are already aware of.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivjq49o wrote

No he was challenged, it doesn’t matter why. I can see you at a polling place and challenge you for no reason other than I haven’t seen you before. It isn’t new, I just said that.

And this part(the challenge) isn’t political but I am tired of dumb asses who won’t read, won’t research, and push the same bullshit lies.

Look it up your self so you stop pushing bullshit. That’s why I’m mad.


ZombiZeke t1_ivjr6q1 wrote

But that’s not what the rules say. You can’t be challenged for any reason, why you’re being challenged DOES matter. It says it very clearly in the election rules you keep posting and that I’m already familiar with. I’m not claiming stolen election or fraud. But OP’s scenario is not in line with the rules. That’s all.

I understand your frustration, I have it too from the last few years of insanity. But if someone is willing to do anything even a little out of line, then they may be willing to do something else. It’s noteworthy is my only point.


Inner-Figure5047 t1_ivjrfw4 wrote

I have had a similar instance, where I was told I couldn't vote at my polling place because my address for voter registration was different from the address on my driver's license.

I made the poll worker call the board of elections in front of me. They told her in no uncertain terms that I am allowed to vote.

This was not a pleasant exchange, this was a confrontation. She knew exactly what she was doing but just expected me to leave.

I had a very distinct feeling that I wasn't the only person she did this with. I also think that in a college town, this woman could have used that ruse successfully on many many students.


Jasmindesi16 t1_ivk2p0t wrote

I had that asked today too. I’ve never been asked that before.


dearthofkindness t1_ivkflau wrote

I was asked. Went like: Fill this out First: Last: MI:

She then checked her records and asked "______Street?" my current address, I said yes, then signed and voted.


Bicycle-Seat t1_ivkj6rr wrote

It’s to prevent Russian interference like in 2016 and 2020 elections


Prestigious-Buy1774 t1_ivkjwqe wrote

If you provide Voter registration card, ID or driver's license this eliminates that issue


cutiecat565 t1_ivkk5lz wrote

They usually ask me because there are a whole bunch of people in town with the same last name.


Spud_Rancher t1_ivkr2ug wrote

This has happened everytime I vote. The first time they were able to find a discrepancy with where my voter registration said to vote and the (incorrect) location I showed up at, and pointed me in the right direction.

I don’t think it’s meant to be nefarious.


rpm33119 t1_ivkwh8n wrote

I know who could have answered this question…the lady at the polls who asked for your address!


yeags86 t1_ivl7fyr wrote

They asked me “xxxx street, right?” Didn’t ask for the number. I don’t recall being asked that before but it didn’t seem nefarious. They were using a new electronic system for signatures so I am thinking they were more trying to make sure their info in the system was correct. I didn’t really think much of it.


Odd-Neighborhood5119 t1_ivlcyqo wrote

They ask your address to locate the correct voting book you are in. No big deal


dream_bean_94 t1_ivlizju wrote

This happened to my partner today (we live together) but not me. I thought it was weird as well.


PA_Brad t1_ivlnjie wrote

The only time I was asked for my address was the first time voting at my current polling station.


dizzle_1212 t1_ivlu64g wrote

They have to verify some how to see if your at the right polling place. It’s the very least they can do


dizzle_1212 t1_ivlv5nx wrote

I live in Bethlehem and didn’t change my voting registration from scranton. Soo had to drive up there to vote. I’m a republican. I understand I forgot to change my registration it matter cause your also voting in for local districts.


Retlaw83 t1_ivmqq7u wrote

I've been asked to confirm my address the first year I vote in a new polling place after moving.


Acceptable_Citron938 t1_ivo6ukj wrote

I haven’t voted since the primaries .. so no local or other elections. Also I had a change of address before so I was asked to show my ID as well yesterday.