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Er3bus13 t1_iuugne4 wrote

You do realize that Republicans have controlled the pa legislature since forever right? Or do they get a pass like Trump? You know they guy who said he takes 0 responsibility ever. For such a grade A tough guy he is a grade A pussy when it comes to consequences


MayorOfCentralia t1_iuujuzc wrote

The economy was rolling along great under that grade A pussy.


Er3bus13 t1_iuul29m wrote

Lofl did you miss the world collapsing under his leadership. Jesus fucking christ you people are blind. Also you may want to check out the deficit now compared to when fuckstick was in. It went down massively. While your at it do the defecite under every republican since Reagan. Smaller government my ass.


MayorOfCentralia t1_iuumdtl wrote

If normal people being able to afford to buy groceries and homes, and not being on the verge of WW3 with a nuclear power is "the world collapsing", then I'd love to know what you call this time in our history.


Er3bus13 t1_iuupfyr wrote

You should tell your republican legislature to raise the minimum wage then... oh wait then prices would go up?!? Oh man. What an argument that was. Prices still look like 2008 when it was raised last?


Yourlordensavior t1_iuuq4td wrote

It wasn't though....


Er3bus13 t1_iuuqkk3 wrote

Compelling argument please keep your eyes closed


Yourlordensavior t1_iuur9in wrote

You're the one making the wild claim. How was the world collapsing under Trump? The burden of proof is on YOU!


Er3bus13 t1_iuurh52 wrote

If you were asleep during that dumspter fire of 4 years nothing g I can say will convince you


Yourlordensavior t1_iuuro5v wrote

So... You can't prove it can you? Bonus points if you compare things like the economy, inflation, the price of gas, the price of groceries, aggressive adversaries, world peace etc.


Er3bus13 t1_iuus1w5 wrote

World peace? We didn't have places in our own border how about insurrection on Jan 6th. The best thing I have to say is thank God all those rednecks are incompetent. Trump didn't bail them out either funny that.


Yourlordensavior t1_iuus4vb wrote

Lol you have nothing. Absolutely nothing. Sad.


Er3bus13 t1_iuus9i4 wrote

Going to bed I have a job have fun collecting ssi and bitching about socialism


Yourlordensavior t1_iuuscm3 wrote

And straight to personal insults. So Typical.


Er3bus13 t1_iuusi3k wrote

What happened to "fuck your feelings" same thing about back the blue unless they coming for you. Am I right?