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Mijbr090490 t1_iurr0z5 wrote

I have their standard offer @ like 8.xx/kwh. Will this cause my rates to increase even though I'm locked in for a year? Fucking ridiculous. We need more nuclear power. Paying 15c/kwh to pollute the earth even more. BS.


giggles-mcgee OP t1_iursqc8 wrote

You’d have to see when you locked in. I believe the standard offer is for 12 months. If you locked that in last year before that increase in December yours is probably expiring very very soon


ronreadingpa t1_iuu7ekh wrote

You're locked in for the year. I did the same thing back in May. About a month before your anniversary date, you should receive a mailer and/or email from your supplier regarding renewing. While they'll likely charge somewhat more, it may still beat PPL's proposed rate.

My hunch is PPL itself is purposedly raising their rate excessively to shift more people to shop 3rd party suppliers they (and/or insiders) own an interest in. Would like to see this investigated. PA is among the most energy diverse. Such large increases don't make sense to me unless there's corruption involved.


Just-Gas7023 t1_iuskd2h wrote

Standard offer is going away, as the suppliers won’t sign up for it anymore/right now. Once your contract is up, it will default to the PPL 14 cent rate unless you choose another supplier.