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Sennva t1_iv0mlzh wrote

Exactly. Only those retired or well-off financially can comfortably afford to serve jury duty as it stands. Everyone else is incentivized to try to get out of it by the need to earn enough to pay existing bills. I'm not sure how anyone can argue that doesn't skew the pool.

Thankfully it isn't common, but some trials last months. There have even been a few that lasted years! It is ridiculous to expect people to take such a drastic pay cut for an indefinite period of time and with so little notice.


SnooRevelations9889 t1_iv0pqi6 wrote

And those fortunate enough to have jobs that still offer paid time off for jury duty. It's not unheard of.

Of course, the boss might expect you to “catch up” on your tasks after serving jury duty, but that's a different issue.