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HeyZuesHChrist t1_iy8edxk wrote

If you go to the DMV make sure you take a copy of your birth certificate, your social security card, your college ID, your old Blockbuster membership card, your electric bill, a picture of your house, your father's birth certificate, a picture of your mailbox with the address on it, your passport, your Subway club card from 1997, your car insurance and a copy of your car registration.

If you don't have all of these you will never be able to get it. Trust me.


Cinemaslap1 t1_iy8gh1f wrote

If you don't have a picture of your mailbox, they will make an exception if you physically bring in the mailbox... but in those cases you usually have to bring the wooden afixture it's mounted on as well.

This can be difficult for those with mailboxes in brick stands.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_iy8hesa wrote

I always forget about this loophole. Thanks for expanding on this!


BigAl-43 t1_iy8wb6z wrote

Wait until the snow plow knocks it down and then take it in. Will make it easier for you.


linsor1 t1_iy8jol8 wrote

Wow really? I know this is part sarcasm but also definitely real and considering I'm going Thursday I'm so glad I read this. My mailing address is a PO box so I guess I should prepare for the worst.


im_at_work_now t1_iy8l7ov wrote


HeyZuesHChrist t1_iy8mvd0 wrote

Take everything you can. It's not a joke. Take as many forms of ID as you have and everything you can with your physical address on it and your P.O. Box.


CheyVonD t1_iybao41 wrote

If you’ve been married before, take the license and divorce decree, if applicable. My bfs mom tried to get her real ID, she’s 82 and they wouldn’t do it without the marriage license from the 50’s


linsor1 t1_iycgaff wrote

I'm guessing because of the name changes? A friend of mine also needs hers, and while I haven't been, she has so I'll pass this along.


bb2030 t1_iy8u6jj wrote

Flashbacks of trying to get my name changed at the DMV.


xxdropdeadlexi t1_iy9656u wrote

this is why I never changed my last name when I got married. I couldn't get enough paperwork to please the almighty DMV.


pa_bourbon t1_iyb3lr5 wrote

You forgot the lock of your first hair that your mom kept when you were a baby and the plastic ring from a milk bottle lid that was produced in the year 2008.


eimihoshi t1_iy9m87h wrote

Huh, I just did it last week and had no issues.


DifficultyStreet93 t1_iyamgsx wrote

This! I gave up trying to get my Real ID and went to get my passport instead. The passport process was so much easier than dealing with the DMV / Real ID process.