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usatoday OP t1_iumsclw wrote

Find common ground. Nearly half of Pa. residents (44%) identify inflation/the economy as their biggest concern. Everyone can agree that the rising cost of necessities like food is a bad thing. So which candidates have the best ideas to combat that? Is anyone proposing tested and proven solutions?

Other topics, such as abortion, drift into the faith category. That's tougher to discuss civilly because moral/religious positions are often taken personally.


enemy_of_your_enema t1_iunjmrf wrote


I've always found this rather strange, considering so many people simply adopt the religion they were raised with and never really considered doing otherwise. Yet still people will vehemently defend a choice they never really made themselves.


300blakeout t1_iuqcvca wrote

This doesn’t just stop at religion. It applies to nearly all beliefs.


IamSauerKraut t1_iunv9x7 wrote

>Is anyone proposing tested and proven solutions?

Were there such things, we would never have economic difficulties.

R's are just mouthing the same meaningless stuff.

D's are proposing solutions, ie, stop the price gouging, windfall profits tax, reduce the gas tax, stop exporting our energy resources, etc.


AbidingDudeAsWell t1_iup6qio wrote

What bothers me about "the media" reporting on inflation is the lack of reporting on where the US is compared with other countries, and that inflation here is less severe than it is globally. And where are the questions to R candidates who claim Dems support or push raising taxes on lower/middle class - where's the beef? All the Dem proposals/actions I've seen target the wealthy.