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usatoday OP t1_iumkul1 wrote

Love the partial "South Park" reference.

The major parties do a good job of painting each other as so terrible, evil or odorous that a lot of voters would feel guilty "wasting" their vote on a candidate who appears to have no legitimate shot at winning. This is why some people advocate for ranked choice voting and independent primaries. The newly founded Keystone Party of Pennsylvania has been a vocal proponent of both.

That said, here are the third-party candidates in the big races this year: Libertarian Matt Hackenburg, Green Party nominee Christina DiGuilio and Keystone Party nominee Joe Soloski in the gubernatorial contest, and Libertarian Erik Chase Gerhardt, Daniel Wassmer of the Keystone Party and Richard Weiss of the Green Party in the Senate race.


Drewcifer81 t1_iumn8bh wrote

>Keystone Party nominee Joe Soloski

Is there any difference between the Keystone Party and the Libertarian Party, given that Soloski has run as a Libertarian numerous times before?


Moxy79 t1_iun0w58 wrote

The Keystone Party has heavy Libertarian leanings but rely on Government intervention for healthcare economics etc where Libertarians want government out of everything. TBH as a lifetime Libertarian I've kind of found that most Libertarians align more with Keystones way of thinking than the hard "Anarchy NOW!" stereotype that people think we are. Unfortunately like with all Partys the fringe seems to get the headlines. Here is their platform