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MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iujnbxc wrote

Improper influence (Hillary’s claim) vs. fraudulent ballots and vote counts (Trump). If you cant see the massive, huge difference, then you’re not very bright. And Putin did try to influence the vote, and still is. And Trump still has an unseemly relationship with Putin. But that’s not saying that the actual ballots cast for Trump were fraudulent. Get it? No? Well, good luck.


adwvn t1_iuk1ijw wrote

Thanks for demonstrating my point!


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iuk6diz wrote

I hope you’re never called to serve on a jury, because you’re incapable of wrapping your head around facts. Fine, working class citizens don’t trust the Dems sometimes. Trump won. That still has no bearing on the fact only one side claims (Trump has been doing this since 2012, actually) that non-existent people cast votes. My guess is you “believe” that too, and all the rest of your deflection is a smokescreen.


billfriedman9987 t1_iujscec wrote

I don't think we've even seen a candidate be up by 200-500k votes in a state and come out the loser the next morning. The reason for that is b/c we've never had universal mail in voting before.


reddit_4_info t1_iuk9348 wrote

Reword this somehow because people don’t understand the point that you are making. You are correct, but it’s not clear in your explanation. I have upvoted you because I understand what you wrote.
