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psychcaptain t1_iu274r9 wrote

Oh I hope he goes to jail and they throw away the key.


LenniLanape t1_iu29dz0 wrote

Fetterman will let him out.


psychcaptain t1_iu29p9j wrote

Sure, if he were found innocent. Maybe he would hire them.

But, we don't have a habit of putting innocent cops in jail in the Common Wealth.


Dr_Legacy t1_iu31zsn wrote

> But, we don't have a habit of putting innocent cops in jail in the Common Wealth US.


ProfessorDerp22 t1_iu2gbyc wrote

I bet you’re someone who makes their voting decision based off of campaign commercials.


SophiaofPrussia t1_iu34829 wrote

Oh man I just looked and it seems that hysterical “Dr. Oz: Hollywood Liberal” ad from the primaries where they tried to parody liberals has been scrubbed from YouTube. What a bummer! That one was my favorite. They did all of their best hits: airhead blond, clueless stoner bro, lady with hair dyed a bright and unnatural color. It was so unintentionally funny.


LenniLanape t1_iu3oso1 wrote

Nope. I throw darts at a board with the names on it.


AlVic40117560_ t1_iu2fxjb wrote

You could try doing an ounce of research before you just believe what you see in a political ad campaign. I’d say you probably actually think Dr. Oz killed puppies too, but I bet you conveniently don’t believe that one before even looking into it.


Clarck_Kent t1_iu2k7d3 wrote

I was wondering for the last few years why so much gets spent on political ads until I was watching a football game with some neighbors and the commercial with the serious gravelly voiceover saying Fetterman wants to let all the murderers out of prison came on and one of the neighbors was like “Oh my god! Is that true?”

Then I understood it completely. They keep spending the money because it works.


PPQue6 t1_iu2rcee wrote

Those are called "low information voters" or otherwise known as morons.


AlVic40117560_ t1_iu2v8se wrote

It’s taken me until this election to find out how effective those ads are. Anybody I know that is against Fetterman brings up the “he wants to let out murders!!” thing. First of all, good move Oz campaign. That’s been wildly effective.

I’ve explained it to a bunch of people at this point and it’s either they realize how they got dooped by a political attack ad, or they just keep making worse and worse excuses which leads me to believe they are just going to vote for the person their party was going to put up anyways.

The first time I saw the murders ad, I thought “that’s concerning. Let’s look more I to that.” Then when you actually look into it, it’s not what it sounds like at all. Apparently the 5 minutes of research is much more than what most people will do.


psychcaptain t1_iu2vicl wrote

He did bank roll research I'm which puppies died though, right? Or was that disproven?


AlVic40117560_ t1_iu307l0 wrote

Like most of these things, it was a half truth. He was doing cardiac testing on dogs. He’s a heart doctor and at the time, animal testing on dogs was pretty standard. The medical community has since moved away from dogs for the most part, but what he was doing wasn’t out of the ordinary. I haven’t looked into it since the first time I looked into it so my numbers may not be perfect, but I think there were 3 dogs out of about 300 over a 15 or so year period that were in question for being mistreated. One of those three based on the investigation was treated humanly after having complications. The other two ended up staying alive for a few days after being paralyzed when they should have been euthanized. And Dr. Oz wasn’t the actual person doing any of these tests. He was just on the board I believe.

So was Dr. Oz involved in killing puppies? Yes. Was he maliciously killing and torturing puppies? No.


bikingwithscissors t1_iu481nd wrote

If you look at the experimental design for some of those studies, one of them involved opening up a dog's chest, attaching a pacemaker to the heart to simulate tachycardia, and then pumping various drugs into the dog to see if any slowed down the heart rate... which surprise surprise, none did because drugs don't stop a pacemaker. That one alone involved around 30 dogs. The experimental design was inherently flawed and it puzzles me how the proposal made it past the university's ethics board.


SomeOtherOrder t1_iu49xa7 wrote

That’s a whole lot of words for “yeah he killed some dogs”


LenniLanape t1_iu40vbw wrote

So glad to see the ads worked so well. We, as neighbors and Pennsylvanians are now so gullible, so divided and no longer show any respect for one anothers opinions. After having worked in the advertising industry I can say that the candidates got their money's worth and (listen carefully) there is NO truth in advertising. There should be disclaimers on ALL political advertising.


LenniLanape t1_iu3olkb wrote

OK. So much for sarcasm. After ALL the negative ads that we've been bombarded with and in alignment with standard reddit responses I thought wrong. Looks like everybody has their panties in a bunch.


theytook-r-jobs t1_iu2hs63 wrote

Yes letting police get away with anything is a Democrat issue.


Strong_Guitar_2135 t1_iu2ixy3 wrote

Well some of the worst PDs for corruption are in big (D) cities. . .


theytook-r-jobs t1_iu2ksna wrote

And are the members of those PDs Democrat or Republican?


Practical_Law_7002 t1_iu2m7im wrote

>And are the members of those PDs Democrat or Republican?

He won't answer but I will.

Every single cop to my knowledge I met while in the Guard was either a republican or one or two libertarians.

To my knowledge I've never met a single liberal cop...


Yonk_art t1_iu2mrlf wrote

Same. I'm friends with several cops and while they have moderate views they're still registered republicans who consistently vote red.


Thecrawsome t1_iu415e4 wrote

This should be a hate cult investigation but it isn't. Cop unions are mobster outlets IMHO.


Strong_Guitar_2135 t1_iu2n4t8 wrote

>To my knowledge I've never met a single liberal cop...

The police unions are full of them,your being willfully ignorant. Nice try though.


alaska1415 t1_iu2xh8a wrote

Didn’t the Philly Police Union support Republicans in every election since forever?


sharkbanger t1_iu2y7s0 wrote

No, actually they are not and never have been.

You're thinking of worker's unions.


ell0bo t1_iu2n0bn wrote

Maybe in 50 years, considering thats what fetterman has done


No-Professional-1884 t1_iu2ch3e wrote

bAcK tHe BlUe…


IrrumaboMalum t1_iu2ksp6 wrote

oNlY cOpS sHoUlD hAvE gUnS!!!11


Joe_Jeep t1_iu44i2n wrote

oh boy the whataboutisms are here early

What part of "under no pretext" do y'all not understand? Stop going to bat for the cowards by bringing up other topics


No-Professional-1884 t1_iu4zs5c wrote

As a gun owning, 2A supporting progressive, wtf are you talking about? The fucking police are the #1 reason to be armed in this country.


Halasham t1_iu541ng wrote

Alternating capitalization is one way to indicate sarcasm. Similar to /s but more work to do.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iugyyz9 wrote

I'm pointing out a common duality demonstrated by some (many?) on the left wing who seem to believe at the same time that the cops are vile, filthy, racist bastards who will do anything they can to justify shooting POC (which is largely correct) and then turn around and often say that cops are the only people sufficiently trained and vetted enough to be allowed to carry (some will even go as far as to say own) guns.

I am also very left of center and own more guns than most right wingers and I cringe at the right wing who says "back the blue!" and at the left wing who says "only cops should have guns!"

Everyone needs to get a damned clue.


No-Professional-1884 t1_iuhbkws wrote

Gotcha. I couldn’t tell if it was that or if (and please pardon me) you were some right wing nut job taunting me for not wanting to lick a boot.

Stay strong comrade.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iuhc932 wrote

I'm still right of the anti-gun left while being left of center. I haven't done the whole "if you go far enough left you get your guns back" yet.


No-Professional-1884 t1_iuheiqc wrote

Weird thing is, I’m a lot farther left than most of those people and I still believe in 2A.

While there is a massive gun violence issue in this country, we aren’t doing enough to mitigate that in meaningful ways yet to begin to consider amending/modifying 2A.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iuhfo9m wrote

>Weird thing is, I’m a lot farther left than most of those people and I still believe in 2A.

That was the point of my "if you go far enough left you get your guns back" comment. Communists, for example, are historically pro-gun - and they are certainly much further left than the self-proclaimed socialists and progressives that make up the modern Democrat party.

It seems like the closer you are to the center and the further you are from the center, the more pro-gun you are. And then there is that odd range between them (us? me and you?) that is somehow staunchly anti-gun while being bracketed by unapologetically pro-gun people.

I, personally, have no intention of ever giving up my guns - since that would require putting trust in the government to keep me safe. And let's be honest - government hasn't done instill a sense of trust into any sane person.


psychcaptain t1_iu3r3t9 wrote

Unironically, yes. Well, that, and our Military.

So, let's throw the book at this guy.


bikingwithscissors t1_iu3v7zd wrote

Here’s a real life example of why that’s a bad idea, and you choose to double down. Bold.


psychcaptain t1_iu3z0xw wrote

How's is this a real life example? The guy broke the law, and will spends years in jail?

You might as well be saying 'Murders happen, so we might as well never outlaw murders'.

I think it's a good thing this guy is going to jail for selling guns. Now let's take it a step further.


chonkypot t1_iu3zpaw wrote

I think the other guy is saying that this is a prime example of why NOT to outlaw guns, because even the police will sell guns to you illegally. If you were to outlaw guns, only the non-law abiding citizens would have them.


psychcaptain t1_iu464y4 wrote

And if you outlaw tanks only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw fighter jets, only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw rocket propelled grenade launchers, only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw biological weapons, only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw missiles, only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw giant mech robots, than only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw Time Machines, than only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw unicorns than only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw dreams than only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw comics, than only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw dooms day machines, than only non-law abiding citizens would have them.


Boring-Rhubarb t1_iu4uq1d wrote

Simpleton gonna be a simpleton 😂😂☠️


psychcaptain t1_iu4uzrg wrote

Just trying to write to your reading and comprehension level.

Which is to say, I think you should be very angry at your teachers and family right now, because they obviously let you down.


Boring-Rhubarb t1_iu4vr5g wrote

Keep being a simpleton, simpleton 😂😂☠️☠️☠️


psychcaptain t1_iu4w9if wrote

Nah, there comes a time when you realize that the pig enjoys the mud, and I don't.

I'm off. I hope you find whatever you are looking for in life, Random Internet Person, and hopefully, whatever is, is wonderful and great, and not base or twisted.


Boring-Rhubarb t1_iu500jb wrote

Simpleton gonna keep being a simpleton 😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️


bikingwithscissors t1_iu3zef3 wrote

It's a real life example because it's a cop selling guns illegally, disproving the idea that cops are the only ones responsible enough to be trusted with guns. Mexico is a broader example of how corrupt states with a monopoly on violence become incestuously connected to the criminal underground.


Gov_Martin_OweMalley t1_iu476mq wrote

That user is unfortunately a habitual liar. They have made some pretty bogus claims throughout this post.


psychcaptain t1_iu46dd4 wrote

And Netherlands and Germany are examples of peaceful nations that super strict gun control, in which none of that happens.

Oh and France. United Kingdom S. Korea New Zealand Australia Belgium Luxembourg Italy Spain Japan


point_breeze69 t1_iu3xyvz wrote



psychcaptain t1_iu3yveo wrote

Because I would like to have a murder rate of school children to be comparable to that of other Western Nations.

I figure, The Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, France, UK, Australia, Japan, S. Korea, and Spain have had near zero school Shooting since guns were banned. Why not try what other countries are doing?


Gov_Martin_OweMalley t1_iu42vn8 wrote

None of those countries completely ban firearms they allow ownership to one degree or another, some much more strict than the others. So that begs the question, why are you lying?

Edit: Just for more visablity in pointing out that the above user is lying

France - A breakdown of what's required to purchase and own a firearm

UK - A Breakdown of the laws that allow ownership

Australia - Has more firearms in country than even before the confiscation scheme and you are still allowed to own and purchase.

Germany - Process to acquire a firearm.

Belgium - "As of 2022, 678,592 registered firearms are held by 168,349 people in Belgium, an increase of over 8,000 new registered weapons, according to statistics obtained from the Ministry of Justice by Belgian newspaper Sud Press. "

Netherlands - Permits avialabe for hunting and sporting

Here's a further breakdown for 16 other countries put together by the NY Times.


psychcaptain t1_iu45fce wrote

Honestly, I don't know where you get your information from. I can say, as someone who has lived in The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, and frequently visited France and the UK, that those countries have effectively banned gun and gun ownership.

You know what is really going to blow your mind? Those countries don't even support the Castle Doctrine! If you live in the Netherlands, and someone is robbing your house, unless you are being physically threatened, your own defendable action is to retreat and call the police. You don't have the assumed right to protect your property! And yet, most forms of crime are much rarely in the Netherlands, especial gun violence. Now, from what I could gather from my Cousin, becoming a cop in the Netherlands is tough and a lot of training, so maybe you just get what you pay for.

I am sure there are limited situations in which someone might be able to get a shotgun or rifle (there is some sharpshooting traditions, as well as some old country laws) but to get those weapons is to go through so much legal effort, that it's beyond the majority of the population.

In any case, it is you that is the liar, but what is worse, you are ignorant of the world!


Gov_Martin_OweMalley t1_iu46vs2 wrote

>Honestly, I don't know where you get your information from.

Legitimate sources, unlike you I don't make things up out of thin air to push an agenda.

France - A breakdown of what's required to purchase and own a firearm

UK - A Breakdown of the laws that allow ownership

Australia - Has more firearms in country than even before the confiscation scheme and you are still allowed to own and purchase.

Germany - Process for aquire a firearm.

Belgium - "As of 2022, 678,592 registered firearms are held by 168,349 people in Belgium, an increase of over 8,000 new registered weapons, according to statistics obtained from the Ministry of Justice by Belgian newspaper Sud Press. "

Netherlands - Permits avialbe for hunting and sporting

Here's a further breakdown for 16 other countries put together by the NY Times.

> I can say, as someone who has lived in The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, and frequently visited France and the UK

Since you've already been shown to be dishonest, anything you say at this point is beyond suspect.


PuzzledKale2841 t1_iu2gs9o wrote

What? A corrupt piece of shit cop? Never!


Wuz314159 t1_iu2hn2u wrote

Is this really shocking any more? Seems like typical police stuff these days.


106473 t1_iu2uajk wrote

Shocked I say, shocked!


gabronkas t1_iu2asqb wrote

So is the video of him selling these specific guns? Or they have a video of him selling guns to an undercover agent, and separately traced these guns back to him too?

If the former, know they have to protect the investigation, but kind of awful then the informant re-distributed these same guns and they were used in the shooting. Am I missing something?


matt5001 t1_iu2d2mq wrote

Sounds like he sold the 2 guns after they had been used in the Roxborough shooting.

> Both of the firearms the defendant sold on October 13, 2022 were traced by law enforcement as being used in a deadly shooting in Roxborough about two weeks prior


gslavik t1_iu2ieg5 wrote

So ... selling stuff out of the evidence locker? I presume the sale was not done through an FFL with a 4473 background check.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iu2knnf wrote

From what I've heard the Philly Sheriff's department was missing 200+ guns from evidence.

Someone watched Lethal Weapon 3 and got inspired.


gslavik t1_iu2lz5d wrote

Would you happen to have a source? Would love to read more into that.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iu2mdlz wrote

This was just from a most recent audit - apparently it includes both service weapons and evidence lockup. I'd wager it has grown a bit since 2015.


gslavik t1_iu2o0sd wrote

Thank you. I would add that it is just the sheriff's office ... I am sure Philly PD and other PDs (across the country) have similar gun disappearing issues.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iu2pnww wrote

Definitely. Even the military and National Guard have a problem with guns disappearing from time to time (although they tend to keep better track of their gear than the police do).


gslavik t1_iu2u91f wrote

Reminds me of the recent story where people bought a milsurp box and it came complete with rifles ...


BureaucraticHotboi t1_iu2wqu2 wrote

Yeah the sheriffs office in Philly is even worse and less controlled because they are an superfluous law enforcement agency. For all their problems PPD could absorb the duties of the sheriffs office and civil servants could do the rest they literally don’t have a law enforcement mandate except guarding court houses and transporting some prisoners to court. But we have PPD and a robust (of understaffed) corrections department they could be absorbed by both instead they are a patronage hole for people who can’t get hired by other agencies


heili t1_iu3x15l wrote

Guns, drugs and money tend to grow legs in evidence lockers.


BureaucraticHotboi t1_iu2we60 wrote

Philly sheriffs office is historically and recently extremely corrupt. They really have no business existing. They basically guard court houses and transport prisoners and do some civil warrant serving. However they wouldn’t be holding guns in most cases from crimes sounds like this guy bought and sold these on the street.


SunRaye92 t1_iu4cb8s wrote

Based on the documents from the govt, the sheriff exited his vehicle, met a third individual from whom he received the two guns used in the shooting, and then returned to his vehicle and accepted payment from the informant.


AFD_0 t1_iu2dins wrote

Yeah, this is 100% unclear.

Either the guns were illegally sold to federal informants and then later used in a shooting? Or.. they were used in a shooting, recovered by the Sheriff and then sold to the informants? Sounds like someone else should be in trouble for this as well.


JennItalia269 t1_iu2x9s1 wrote

The timeline is confusing as presented. It goes like this:

Incident 1. Guns used in Roxborough HS shooting.

Incident 2. Two weeks later, guns stolen from evidence and sold to a CI.

So the sheriff didn’t sell the guns prior to use at roxborough, but presumably stole them from evidence and sold them after the fact.


Benanov t1_iu4eyt0 wrote

AND it happened so soon after the incident that those firearms are definitely going to be used for prosecution and trial...this wasn't just selling firearms illegally it was preventing justice from being done


ramvan t1_iu4ggig wrote

From reading other news sources, he sold the guns to an FBI informant after the shooting. The FBI did ballistics testing after they bought them and found that they were the guns from the high school shooting. It’s not clear how he got them, but presumably he got them illegally. There was never an announcement about recovering the guns, and due to the nature of the crime the city has been vocal about every bit of positive news in the case. That makes me think he got them on the street rather than stealing them from an evidence locker as some have speculated.


PogoSeven t1_iu3w2nk wrote

Where the cops at in this thread? Get Fuct pig.


save_us_catman t1_iu2vfgx wrote

“Why is crime so high is SE PA???”


calicoskiies t1_iu35yvs wrote

This is not shocking at all. We know the police do that here.


YoCuzBo t1_iu2chmu wrote

Nothing shocking here. Just another day in Philthy.


HectorsMascara t1_iu2ny9w wrote

Good to hear the feds seem to be somewhat on the case.


Thisam t1_iu53l4t wrote

Unfortunately most of them work for their own career advancement first and foremost. Clearly this falls into that category…though I agree it is absolutely the right action.


yeahimsadsowut t1_iu3zuzt wrote

What’s crazy is I don’t even think the wire had cops this corrupt or dirty.

Just sad. Law enforcement is literally the criminal.


SeaPoem717 t1_iu5tq8c wrote

It’s weird how casual he was about it. This wasn’t his first time.


Mor_Tearach t1_iu2o3x3 wrote

Corruption? Pa? I'm...I need to go sit down. It's just such a SHOCK I tell you SHOCKED.


spinspin4 t1_iu2lk4q wrote

What’s shocking about this? Probably was only caught for not giving somebody their fair cut.


DonBoy30 t1_iu3vwf1 wrote

Shocking to who?


JCSeegars54 t1_iu3o043 wrote

A currutaca cop who would’ve guessed


mcs0301 t1_iu437ht wrote

Nothing is shocking anymore in this timeline..


Thyristor_Music t1_iu43ldj wrote

I guess this explains alot about the out of control crime rate in philly right now.


Soccermom233 t1_iu4ijhc wrote

Maybe that's why Krasner doesn't pursue illegal gun possession charges. Hard to prosecute cops.


Libsoccer20 t1_iu4tkuz wrote

Wait until you see all the news coming out that the GOP in Pa are planning on calling our election rigged.


arose_mtom124 t1_iu61ofn wrote

I am not shocked. Who is shocked? Asking for a friend…


klauskervin t1_iu8a63r wrote

This is why there are so many illegal guns on the street. How many other Sheriff Deputy's around the state are selling hot weapons? How many are stolen by police themselves and resold?


[deleted] t1_iu25w55 wrote



Wuz314159 t1_iu2ht21 wrote

There's only one gun store in México, easier to sell them here.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iu2kwsq wrote

That is for civilians. The cartels get them straight from the police and military, probably right off the plane still in their shipping containers.


Wuz314159 t1_iu2lgkq wrote

No. They buy them in the US & smuggle them over the border.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iu2lsj9 wrote

They aren't buying belt-fed M2s and such in the US and smuggling them over the border - because those aren't available to civilians. You think they're just popping over to Dick's Sporting Goods in Texas and backing the truck up to load hundreds of full auto M16s?


TheRadicalEdward t1_iu45rih wrote

If this were posted in r/Philadelphia the title would be more like "Typical Day: Cops Shocked They're in Trouble for Selling Guns Used in Roxborough Shooting." Idt anyone in Philly is surprised.


Iatsiarwbyo t1_iu5ljjc wrote

It's always shady in Philadelphia...


Yomama-22 t1_iu2cntf wrote

Philly keeping it classy.


persechino218 t1_iu4sf8k wrote

Killadelphia… so glad I got out of that God forsaken city.
