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Matt-33-205 t1_iu1zx2o wrote

Should there be private property rights? Honest question. Should I own land, or should the land belong to all of us?

If it's cool with me owning land, how about the lumber that comes from the trees grown on my land? Should we all own and profit from my trees as well?


Mr_Fraunces t1_iu20ox5 wrote

The natural resources belong to all of us. That's why hunters and trappers have to pay for a license. It's why someone needs a license to fish in the waters of Pennsylvania. They are paying for the right to fish and game that belong to all of the residents of Pennsylvania. The waterways of Pennsylvania belong to all of us, so if someone wants to boat, the boat has to be registered.


Matt-33-205 t1_iu21bac wrote

Curious why you avoided all of my questions? Trees are natural resources. Do my trees belong to you and everyone else?


Mr_Fraunces t1_iu21r51 wrote

>Curious why you avoided all of my questions?

Because they are stupid, probably. Loggers need permits to cut trees on state land.


Matt-33-205 t1_iu24x2o wrote

Again, you've completely avoided my questions. You seem reluctant to say what you're feeling about private ownership versus government ownership of property.


Mr_Fraunces t1_iu26r4b wrote

I'm all for private ownership of property. But you don't own the deer or fish that travel through your property. You can't hunt on your own property without a license. Unless you have mineral rights you don't own the coal or natural gas that is under your property. Anyone can fly an aircraft over your property.


sushimonster13 t1_iu27k4b wrote

The original argument wasn't about property rights. They're arguing about the fact that tax credits result in a deficit in tax revenue. Tax credits are often used to incentivize certain behaviors that may impose a burden or help people thrive ( EV tax credit, Solar credit, Child care credit, EITC, etc. The motive for natural gas is clearly present in the millions and billions of profits that they take in year after year.