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RUIN_NATION_ t1_itszn1p wrote

I'm a stroke survivor I don't see myself in him tho he has my sympathy


RecallRethuglicans t1_itt8odg wrote

You should. It’s the same I tell cancer survivors that Joe Biden was and is the only candidate who promised to cure cancer during his term. A vote for a Republican is a vote for cancer and that’s just sick.


101fng t1_ittb2o5 wrote



RecallRethuglicans t1_ittm0ii wrote

Yes, Biden said he would cure cancer during his term. Are you for Biden or are you for cancer? It’s not a tough choice.


101fng t1_itu23hh wrote

Any political candidate that promises something like that is lying to you. You’re INCREDIBLY gullible for even entertaining the idea.


[deleted] t1_itw7ux3 wrote



101fng t1_itwc9wa wrote

I’m leaning towards 9 years old. It’s the most palatable explanation and it sounds exactly like something a 9 year old would say.


RecallRethuglicans t1_itvarns wrote

I’d rather be gullible than supporting cancer


101fng t1_itvd4z7 wrote

Those are not your only choices. You can, in fact, not support cancer while simultaneously not be gullible. It breaks my heart to have to explain that.


Reynard1981 t1_ittw94u wrote

Oh I hope they don’t. I feel sorry for all stroke survivors to have to see what happened tonight. What an embarrassment!


iambarrelrider t1_itsroqj wrote

That debate was about as real as it gets.


Eldendune t1_itssrv4 wrote

Fetterman deliberately did not take his stroke meds (for afib) and paid the price. Lol the desperation in this post.


james97go t1_itsjphq wrote

No, I know that he is impaired enough not to be able to process speech correctly though. What else is he having trouble with? Memory? Complex ideas and problems? Abstraction? We really don't know the answers do we? Why not?


james97go t1_itsfc4b wrote

The problem I have as a Pennsylvania voter is not that Fetterman has had a stroke or is recovering from it. The problem is voters do not know the extent of the brain damage that has occurred and Fetterman isn't being honest about it. Why?


TacoNomad t1_itsivzy wrote

Do you know the extent of the brain damage?


BigTechCensorsYou t1_itt0wo9 wrote

No, but I saw evidence of it tonight.


RecallRethuglicans t1_itt8shn wrote

I saw more evidence Dr Oz is a sociopath who kills puppies and lives in New Jersey.


TacoNomad t1_itt360p wrote

Did you? Do you think auditory processing disorder is something devastating to the brain? Or did you do a little research. He's been telling you about this issue for months. You've had time.


BigTechCensorsYou t1_itt3frb wrote

If he was only showing auditory problems you would be on to something.

He isn’t.


TacoNomad t1_itt3ows wrote

What is he showing? You keep saying these things but won't actually tell me what you're seeing. What did you notice tonight that wasn't speech related?


Booplympics t1_itt4ip7 wrote

What an insightful comment from… Dr. BigTechCensorsYou?


flow3rpowr t1_iugk0hl wrote

By this logic Stephen Hawking is incompetent and incapable because he needs to use a computer. Are you actually hearing yourself right now?


rivershimmer t1_itskhyc wrote

> The problem is voters do not know the extent of the brain damage that has occurred

Don't we?

> Fetterman isn't being honest about it.

Why do you think that?


LinkRunner337 t1_itstmxe wrote

I like the part where you came out as kinda neutral but then cast doubt on fetterman when you are clearly a republican who is also a bigot and doesn't believe LGBT are legitimate people.


james97go t1_ittwu57 wrote

Project much? Not sure how questioning the health of Fetterman makes me a bigot but I understand all you haters are going to hate.


LinkRunner337 t1_itu7t7l wrote

Can you read? Reread what I wrote and answer the question of how you are a bigot. Jesus.


james97go t1_ituollu wrote

I always considered my self pretty good at reading comprehension but I fail to see how you are able to go from the question of John Fetterman's health to a position that questioning his ability makes me a bigot that doesn't consider LBGTs as human beings. Please enlighten me as to your thought processes that somehow link the subject at hand (Fettermans's health) to your conclusion that I am a bigot that doesn't care for LGBTs. Oh and on a side note ,just to let you know my house was always considered a safe house for the teen LGBT community when my kids were growing up.


LinkRunner337 t1_ituw9fk wrote

Haha yeah right! I read your post history. No further need to elaborate.


james97go t1_ituwzk2 wrote

I am serious. I used to come home to a house full of gay kids putting on makeup, playing the piano and singing and generally just being kids. They loved my place because it was safe and more importantly they loved my kids. I shit you not. I am sorry that my truth doesn't fit your bigoted biases.


LinkRunner337 t1_itv5u4k wrote

Your truth doesn't fit you acceptance level of gays and transgenders nor does it jive with your post history. You sir are a liar and a fraud, I bid you good day.


stocksnhoops t1_itson0c wrote

It’s clear now from watching him at the debate. Not a chance he wins after exposing his mental struggles,


RecallRethuglicans t1_itt8zy8 wrote

He won the debate tonight. Oz looked like he was struggling more than Fetterman.


Reynard1981 t1_ittwfqu wrote

Clearly you didn’t watch the same debate the rest of us did or you’re trolling.


RecallRethuglicans t1_itvb0xv wrote

I did. Did you see Fetterman rattle Oz during the closing?


Reynard1981 t1_itvzdmx wrote

No, I seen Fetterman interrupting Oz during his closing speech (which was very childish).


RecallRethuglicans t1_itw1hpk wrote

Which rattled him. The Senate is no place for jokers like the puppy killer pee drinking Oz.


Reynard1981 t1_itw3i9i wrote

No, it didn’t “rattle him”. Both candidates are to have an uninterrupted closing speech. Apparently Fetterman is too childish to allow that. The senate is no place for brain dead children who hold innocent unarmed black men at gunpoint.


RecallRethuglicans t1_itw5d0t wrote

> Both candidates are to have an uninterrupted closing speech. Apparently Fetterman is too childish to allow that.

It’s not Fetterman’s fault Oz is lying so much he has to tell people the truth. The people of PA should have a Senator who will call out Republicans during debates rather than sit quietly by becuase of “decorum.”


Reynard1981 t1_itw5mpo wrote

If you think Oz was lying, you better check your info. How about Fetterman flipping about fracking? It’s almost like you’re a Fetternazi fan boy. People like you shouldn’t vote.


stocksnhoops t1_ittj25x wrote

Not a chance you believe what you posted. In no language, continent or reality did oz lose. He’s a goofball searching for something to do in politics and might not be the best candidate but clearly he’s mentally in better shape and cognitive senses are far better being a surgeon. That’s not a knock on fetterman, I don’t know him but he’s clearly needing help to recover and that should trump politics


RecallRethuglicans t1_ittlmgv wrote

> he’s mentally in better shape and cognitive senses are far better being a surgeon

A surgeon who killed puppies and drinks his own pee. That’s more mentally sociopathetic than anything Fetterman has done.


stocksnhoops t1_ittmfee wrote


RecallRethuglicans t1_ittnl8w wrote

Fauci isn’t a politician. Dr Oz drinks his own pee and killed puppies.


stocksnhoops t1_itu0483 wrote

Gotcha. He only was in charge of finding the research and that research could have allowed this to escape while lying about it and getting paid more than he ever has before . Nothing to see here. He ensued dogs for this research too and he gets a pass when it’s one side. Is your hair die getting to you this late at night. Do you notice any iq decline after a session to get it blue?


snuffy_tentpeg t1_its0azz wrote

The United States Senate is undeniably one of the most important deliberative bodies in the world. I believe we should send the most articulate person possible to represent us. Fetterman is not that person right now.


sloopslarp t1_itsk3zj wrote

Please. Fetterman has been a great Lt Gov.

You would rather send a literal snake oil salesman?


PoorFraxinus t1_itsan4o wrote

I imagine a US senator would have more than enough resources provided to them to do the job.


snuffy_tentpeg t1_itsj5cu wrote

You miss the point. The man is unable to perform the duties as he currently exists. He is a flawed candidate whose party should have recognized and replaced.


Future_Guarantee_990 t1_itswzx6 wrote

I think you're missing the point. The job of US Senator is not to speak well. That's just a bonus. The job of a senator is to represent the people who voted for you, and that means pushing their agenda. All Fetterman needs in order to push people's agenda is the ability to understand their wants and to work towards legislative change to fulfill those wants. He's proven he's still all there. He's proven he can speak, albeit not as well before the stroke. He's proven that his stances have not changed.


So if all the important parts are in tact, and all he needs to function is a hearing aid and a bit more time to get his words out, where are you getting this idea that he's not fit? He's not a changed man. He didn't turn into a vegetable. It's just taking him time to fully recover cus - y'know - he had a stroke and his brain has to relearn motor functions.


Was Stephen Hawking an idiot because he couldn't walk or talk? Were his ideas any less valid? Sure, post-stroke Fetterman isn't ideal compared to pre-stroke, but the alternative is somebody who lies to your face just to secure the seat. Speaks better, dresses better, doesn't give a shit about your problems.


snuffy_tentpeg t1_itu02rx wrote

“I do support fracking and —I don’t, I don’t, I support fracking and I stand and I do support fracking,” he managed to say after the moderator pointed out Fetterman had stated clearly in a 2018 interview that he did not support the controversial procedure.


flow3rpowr t1_iugk2o9 wrote

By this logic Stephen Hawking is incompetent and incapable because he needs to use a computer. Are you actually hearing yourself right now?


snuffy_tentpeg t1_iuh6j3y wrote

That great lump of a human is unfit for the Senate. I won't change your mind and you won't change mine.


internetcommunist t1_itst1w0 wrote

Please. Anything to justify voting against the progressive option. I just can’t see how anyone with actual values can vote Republican in good faith especially Dr fucking Oz lmfao


rivershimmer t1_itslr3n wrote

> I believe we should send the most articulate person possible to represent us.

Sure, but they'll be joining Ron Johnson and Tommy Tuberville.


whitemage82 t1_itsr1w9 wrote

So a mute, who may be the more intelligent person in the country, couldn’t be a Senator?


cabhsshsbshs t1_ittc480 wrote

There’s a reason why Albert Einstein wasn’t a politician. You need traits beyond intelligence. Your ability to rally people and speak your mind confidently are by far more important traits than sheer intelligence


whitemage82 t1_ituhfx0 wrote

Your opinion and underestimation of people with disabilities is sort of shitty.


cabhsshsbshs t1_itvx3iy wrote

You think me suggesting a man who can’t speak, or listen shouldn’t be in office is shitty?

And I wouldn’t say I’m underestimating him, he’s just not prepared for office at this moment in time. And given his failure stint as mayor of Braddock, I’d say I’m justified in suggesting he never was.


whitemage82 t1_itxloe7 wrote

There are plenty of people who say he made Braddock better online. I’m not a resident there so I can only say unless you live there over the course of the time before and after he was in office I don’t really think you have any grounds to stand on.

Oh yeah I think it’s shitty still btw. You seem awful.


cabhsshsbshs t1_itxv2eo wrote

Online sure. My uncle lived there, voted for him, but fetterman ended up doing nothing to help the issues he ran on fixing. All he did was drive people out of the city by the hundreds, ruin the economy, and cause crime to increase by around 50? percent. And imagine telling someone they’re shitty for not wanting someone who’s literally mentally disabled to represent millions of people. Hilarious.