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Reynard1981 t1_ittwfqu wrote

Clearly you didn’t watch the same debate the rest of us did or you’re trolling.


RecallRethuglicans t1_itvb0xv wrote

I did. Did you see Fetterman rattle Oz during the closing?


Reynard1981 t1_itvzdmx wrote

No, I seen Fetterman interrupting Oz during his closing speech (which was very childish).


RecallRethuglicans t1_itw1hpk wrote

Which rattled him. The Senate is no place for jokers like the puppy killer pee drinking Oz.


Reynard1981 t1_itw3i9i wrote

No, it didn’t “rattle him”. Both candidates are to have an uninterrupted closing speech. Apparently Fetterman is too childish to allow that. The senate is no place for brain dead children who hold innocent unarmed black men at gunpoint.


RecallRethuglicans t1_itw5d0t wrote

> Both candidates are to have an uninterrupted closing speech. Apparently Fetterman is too childish to allow that.

It’s not Fetterman’s fault Oz is lying so much he has to tell people the truth. The people of PA should have a Senator who will call out Republicans during debates rather than sit quietly by becuase of “decorum.”


Reynard1981 t1_itw5mpo wrote

If you think Oz was lying, you better check your info. How about Fetterman flipping about fracking? It’s almost like you’re a Fetternazi fan boy. People like you shouldn’t vote.